Chapter 5

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Vanessa's POV:
"Laura!!! I'm ho... Oh did I just ruin the moment?"

"Whaaaaat!?!? We weren't having a moment!!" They both said

"Suurre!! What ever you say raura."

"Wait what's raura??"

"Well little sis its your ship Name duhhh." I said in a duhh tone


"OK let me explain, you take the guys name,the first letter then you take the girls name but do not include the girls first letter. Then you put that together and it makes a ship name."

They started blushing once they understood what I was saying So then I got an idea. I texted Riker. The conversation looked something like this...
Riker Vanessa
Hey Riker ; )
Sup Nessa
OK so do u wanna annoy the crap out of Ross.
Sure but how?
Well I just made a ship name for Ross and laura named raura and I would like for you to tease him saying raura also tell the rest of the family.
OK sure ness ; )
Well bye just wanted to tell u that text u layer ; )
Bye ; )
End of convo
Laura and Ross were just staring at me.
"Why are you both staring at me like if I was some type of creature?"

"Why were you looking at the screan and smiling like an idiot?" Laura smirked

"Oh shut up and shouldn't you two be smooching right now, if I didn't come in?"

They blushed again. "OK ima go down stairs k!!" I yelled as went down the stairs.

"OK then!" She yelled while closing the door.
Sisters these days.

I went down to the kitchen and got out a snack. I went to the couch and turned on the TV. Nothing intresting was on so I decided to watch a movie. I felt my phone vibrate. I checked it and it was a message from Riker. So I paused the movie and decided to text Riker.
Riker Vanessa
Sup Nessa
Hello Riker ;)
So I was wondering what u were doing?
Oh I'm just watching a movie
Cool can I come over?, I'm really bored and nobodys at home every one went to the mall except me and Ross he's over at your house.
Sure I could use a little company since raura are upstairs writing a song together.
OK cool I'll be there in 5.
Kay see you here;)
K I'm on my way; )
End of convo

I unpaused the movie. After a little while there was a knocking on the door. I walked to the door and opened it. there Riker was standing.

"Come in."

"Thanks." He walked in..

I noticed he had to bags on his hands and I helped him with a bag as I grabbed the bag I felt his warm hand. I felt sparks all over my body. But I just shook it off.
"You could put the other bag here."

He did as he was told and helped her take out the stuff.

"Riker we aren't having a party why did soo bring so many snacks?"

"Well.... I really wanted to thank you for letting me come over."

"Aww thanks but you didn't need to do this."

"But I wanted to."I blushed at his comment.
" so what do you wanna watch or do?" I asked

"Do you have a scary movie like The grudge or holloween?

" yeah I think I do let me go check on the counter."
I walked to the counter. And saw almost a full row of scary movies. I pulled a movie out and put it in the DVD player. When the movie trailers started I got up and went to the kitchen to make pop corn once the popcorn was ready I took the bag out and emptied it on a big bowl. I got the bowl and walked back to the couch Riker was there watching the trailers end. I was just in time for the movie to start. I place the bowl in the middle of us. Time passed and we were barely in the middle of the movie. As I reached my had to grab popcorn Riker and I accidentally touched hands we both pulled away and looked away. I was blushing but thank god the lights were off. As the movie finally finished I looked at Riker and see him hugging the pillow. I start laughing like crazy.when I'm done laughing. I look at him and he still hugging the pillow but he's looking at me.
"Aww wittle Riker scared??" I say trying to hold in my laughter.

"I'm not scared!" He defended

"Wittle Riker is scared." I say teasing him.

"Nessa!!!" He semi yells and starts chasing me. I start to run but he ends up catching me and He puts me against the wall caging me in. I try to get out but he's to strong. Then he starts tickling me I start laughing again really hard.

"!!" I say laughing in between

"Fine I'll stop only if you say Riker is the hottest guy alive and I wanna kiss him and marry him in the future."

"Never.!" I say then he starts tickling me again.

"OK..ay..I' Me..!" I say laughing.

"OK then I'll stop." He says stopping.

"Riker is the hottest guy alive and I wanna kiss him and marry him in the future." I say

"Good now close your eyes and I'll show you what I've been wanting to do for a long time."

"Um ok." I close my eyes.

"You ready?"


"OK here it goes."
Its kinda crappy chapter but I hope you like it.

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