Chapter 20

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~Ross' POV ~
Everything went dark it was just us. It was perfect. But...I remembered I had a girlfriend, laura started getting up and well I held her waist to help her. I let go till she was able to stand up by her self. I know for a fact that I felt a spark but I decided to ignore it.

~Laura's POV ~
I was done using the restroom and I walked back to the theater. I walked past Rocky, Ellington, Rydel, Vanessa, but when I passed riker I tripped with his foot and fell on Ross' lap. We stared at each other like if it was only us, nothing to stop us, but something did stop us, its called reality. I realized what I was doing and I think he did too. As I was getting up he held my waist tight but not to tight. Until I was able to stand then he let go. I felt a spark but I know it shouldn't matter to me because he is obviously over me and well because I have to move on, I can't just waste my time trying to get his attention. I've got to live life to the fullest. So I ignored that spark accepting reality and walked to my seat which was next to Bradley.

~Riker's POV ~
I watched as Ross and Laura stared at each other. They each stared at each other like they've never stared at anyone else. They stared at each other with love. Its as if they understood each other without words. I've seen Ross stare at Courtney and trust me its no where near the same. Ross may like Courtney but deep down he knows he loves laura, and laura still likes Ross but she obviously also likes Bradley.

I look at Vanessa and I whisper in her ear," I have to talk to you, but after the movie."

She looked confused but she just nodded her head. I seriously couldn't help but glance at Vanessa from time to time. I really wanted her to be mine but what if she doesn't like me? Or what if she has a boyfriend back home? The point is what if she's taken? I really hope she isn't.

~No ones POV ~
The movie finally ended and well it was time to go home. The ride back home was really awkward, it was about a 30min ride.

~Ross' POV ~
We finally got home and everyone went to our house. We decided to play truth or dare. By we I mean them because I was indecisive on weather I should play because knowing my brothers and sisters they're going to make me do something with laura. Not that I would mind but I have a girlfriend, and that kind of prevents me from doing anything with laura.

We sat in a circle and and laura was first.

"Truth or dare?" Rydel asked.

"Dare." She said looking at a Rydel smirking.
Oh no this isn't going to be good.

"I dare you to kiss Bradley." She said. What!?!?! She's suppose to say my name not Bradley!!! Why do I even care?!?!?! Great now I'm yelling at my self!!! I watch as laura gets closer to Bradley. She starts to lean in and well....

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