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Lauras Pov:
We kissed i cant believe it was such an awesome feeling. But do I like him? A bunch of questions wandered my head. We pulled away and looked at each other I could feel myself blushing.

"Ummm I should probably go home now." He said

"Yeah I need to study the lyrics for tomorrow."

"Well OK then ummm.... See you tomorrow to practice."

"OK then I'll lead you to the door." I said awkwardly a

As we were walking down we saw his big brother riker coming up the stairs. I guess he was here to pick up his brother I mean what else would he be here for?

"Hey raura!!!" He said teasing us.

We started blushing. He looked at us.

"Ohhhhh I see both of you like each other!!! Haha I knew it you guys are meant for each other. I like your music teacher now because she made you guys write a love song." He said teasing us and laughing me Ross would just look at eachother like saying what is wrong with him. but Ross finally spoke up.

"Yeah ok what are you doing here?"

"Well I was lonely at home so I asked Vanessa if I could come and hang out with her, she said yes and so I came and brought a bunch of snacks, you wasn't some?"

"Umm.. Sure!!" I said excitedly

We went down stairs and he gave us some snacks luckily he brought go-gurt I got the box and started to eat it at the couch while I checked twitter. Ross came to where I was and sat down next to me. He asked me something so unexpected.

"Do you like me?" He asked

"Umm.. Well .. yeah I do."

"Do you like me?" I asked

"Yeah,.. I liked you since the day I met you."

"Wow really is that why you like to annoy me all the time?


"Wait!!! So does this mean calum likes raini too!?!?


"Please tell me."

"Ok I'll tell you if you only if you accept, for me to take you to dinner, Tomorrow at 8."

"Ok I'll do it now will you please tell me?"

"Ok then but don't get mad when I tell you ok?"

"Ok I won't."

" ok then."

He got closer to my ear and whispered
"I don't know."
When he whispered that he turned me on for some reason. I just wanted to make out with him and tease him. But I knew that that wasn't gonna happen. So I looked at him straight in the eye and told him
"You have five seconds to run." He started running to my room but he was such in a hurry he forgot to lock the door. So I walked in. I suddenly get hit by a pillow I fall on my bed . I get my other pillow and hit him with it. He falls on top of me with his hands to the sides of my head. We are only inches away. We look into each others eyes. Then...

Riker bursts in saying
"ross I need help....oh sorry didn't mean to iturrupt but can you help me hide from Vanessa she's chasing me!!!"

"Ok then hide in my closet." I say.

He runs in the closet and me and ross are still that same position. He gets up and he helps me get up after. He pulled me up and I crashed to his chest which made him grab my waist. It send shivers all over my body, feeling him touch my skin. Since I was wearing a white crop top and black pants with black and white converse.

Ross' POV:
I grbed her by the waist and I felt a tingly all over my body. I could feel he skin she was looking so hot right now that it turned me on. I just wanted to makeout with her right now. But I can't. Apperantly riker saw everything and said.

"Just kiss already won't you."
We just stayed quiet and blushed. Vanessa came bursting in through the door and asked for riker. We said he wasn't here she then walked straight to the closet and saw riker standing there. Nessa hit him playfully.
"What's up with you to love birds?" She said

We stayed quiet and then rikers phone rung. He answered and said he was on his way. He hung up and put the phone away.

"Ross we need to go home mom is looking for us she bought us a new pair of converse." He said

"Ok then let me just get my back pack and stuff I'll meet you down stairs."

"Ok I'll meet you there!!!" he said leaving with vanessa.

"Ok see you tomorrow laura. We meet at my house tomorrow." I said saying bye to her.

"Yeah!! sure!! ok!!" We Hugged and i gave her a kiss on the cheek close to the lips. She blushed and told me bye.

Laura's POV:

It was only 6:30 in the night I didn't have nothing to do so I decided to tell rydel to go with me to the mall to help me find an outfit for tomorrow's date with ross. As usual she squeeled and talked about how raini and her were right. We ended the call and I went to her house. We told Ratliff to take us. He did. We got there. We wandered the stores and we finally found a nice outfit for me to Wear tomorrow.

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