//~Killed for Sport~\\

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Before I start this chapter, please go check out Lillz3o950 we had a conversation in a comment section and they wrote a whole freaking fanfiction based off of it! The determination- it's incredible.

{I'm with you}
TW: Mention of death, mention of murder, catcalling (kinda idrk what to call it), violence

Dream gripped George's arm and roughly pulled them both up, all three knights snapped their heads around. He pulled George closer to his body and bowed messily to the knights, who now had swords drawn.

"Who are you boys and where do you come from" this string of words fell out of the middle knight's mouth,

"Friends call me Maerd. You don't call me jack shit."

"Woah woah woah. Have some respect asshat. We are knights of the kingdom of Everfailt."

"Yeah you're knights. Not the fucking king"

"What's your friends name Maerd" The way the knight had sneered the fake name Dream gave them made his skin crawl,

"I said you don't call me that dumbass, you fucking deaf?"

"You're about to be dead if you keep up this attitude boy. I'll ask again. What's your friends name?"

"I call him hostage"

When those words left Dream's mouth the knights entire demeanor switched to much more friendly, fucking monsters.

"Ahh I see. Do you need any assistance disposing of him?"

"Nope. I have a sale set up"

"We can give you double to see him dead right here, right now. It's been a while since we've had our fun"

"No thanks."


"Fuck off"

"Kill him now"

"I want my money's worth. So will you please for the love of god shut the fuck up and let me go on my way"

"Fair fair. But hey, boy be careful and lemme know who you're selling him to yeah?"

"I'm selling him to your mother."

"Ha. ha. Think you're funny?"

"I have to go"

"Don't get lost. I wouldn't want to see a fellow like you end up dead"

Dream didn't even say goodbye, he just gripped the sled and George before trudging forward, they did it.


Whispered words quickly spread, all they needed was dark and they could get out. Lucky for them it was four in the afternoon and the sun set at four thirty due to the winter. They filled the thirty minutes with quick whispers going over who had gloves, who did not and their plan.

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