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I'm gonna try to write this chapter in first person instead of third person so we'll see how this goes

No quote :]

TW: Mention of knives

It was a few hours later and our friends had stayed to help Clay and I pack, currently I was finishing up with Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo but Tommy caused more issues than he did help. Dream was in his room with Sapnap, Niki and Karl while Bad and Skeppy were downstairs baking muffins for our trip. Phil was in town at a meeting about the safety of the town.

I did the final clasps up on my borrowed backpack and slung it over my shoulder as Ranboo grabbed the other bag of my belongings as we made our way down the hall. We met the others in the hall, Bad with a container of food, muffins included and Dream with a leather backpack similar to mine while Sapnap carried his second bag.

We packed up all of our belongings on Philza and Clay's spare pulling sled and awaited the older mans arrival so we can officially say adios.

We waited for another half hour and looked over our things when Phil arrived, Techno alongside him.

"You boys headed out now?"
"Yeah we just wanted to say bye to you guys"

Clay stepped forward first and Phil pulled him into a hug and whispered some words I couldn't distinguish from back here. Then Dream walked over to Techno who gave him a pat on the head and said,
"Stay safe and don't die on me kid. I can't lose another one of your family"
Then the tall blond gave Karl, Sapnap, Niki and Bad hugs before waving to Ranboo and fist bumping Tommy and Tubbo.

Now it was my turn to say my semi-final goodbyes. Phil pulled me into a hug, he was a really good hugger but not in a weird way, kinda like a fatherly way if that makes sense? When I was pulled against him he muttered some words about keeping Clay safe as well as myself, next Techno, I got the same pat that Dream did as Techno told me to not worry too much about the safety of our town and that he believed in me. Before I could get anywhere near the door Karl practically broke my bones in a hug, Sapnap, Niki and Bad joining as well, Tommy and Tubbo bowed for some reason and Tommy told me to keep my toes safe. Ranboo patted my back and wished me luck.

Clay and I walked out the door, each bearing a backpack and winter clothes. The sled was packed with a bag for each of us, a small barrel of water, a bag of food and some spare chopped wood, just enough to supply us with life for the journey. 

"Shall we go Georgie?"

"We shall Clayton" I said with a giggle and began our march towards my next chapter, whatever it should bring. 

POV SWITCH -- Philza 

George and Clay had been gone for three hours and it was getting dark. A winter breeze could be felt upon entering the outdoors, this breeze brought snow. At first it was just a light, subtle blanket of snow however with the night closing in the snow increased, and increased, and increased. My concern for the duo grew until it was unbearable, I had to busy myself with tedious bits around the house so I wouldn't go crazy.

Four hours. Nine o'clock at night. Windows shaking in the wind. Horses closed in the now re-build hut. Everyone locked securely in their houses. Everyone except for George and Clay who were out traversing on their way to Fanderlings to save the fucking day.

They were out there playing hero and probably freezing to death while I was freaking the fuck out trapped in my warm and safe house. I curled up in front of the fireplace because, if I was going to worry, I might as well be comfortable doing it.

POV SWITCH -- Back to Clay

Georgie and I had been walking for two and a half hours when the snow started. It was pretty at first but it evolved into a blizzard in the snap of a finger. It wasn't just any blizzard though, this was probably the largest storm this year. The winds were dangerously high, snow and ice felt like thousands of knives piercing my skin, I couldn't see ten feet in front of me and it was so fucking cold.


"Yeah Georgie?"

"What are we gonna do? it's really fucking cold and the palace is another days walk"

"I... don't know"

As we walked I lost feeling in my toes and fingers, my eyelashes went white with snow, frost and ice. It was like the snow was hunting us, predator versus prey. Wait hunt? That's when it hit me, when I was younger Techno and Phil would take Sapnap and I on little weekend trips out here, there were out of use hunting cabins scattered in these parts.



"I know what to do"

"What are we doing then"

"Phil and Techno used to take me and Sapnap out here and we would stay in little hunting cabins"

"Can you find one of them"

"I can try but it's been years since we came out"

Thirty minutes later and we finally found a cabin, it took another ten to get the door open, as it had frozen shut with the storm. Forty minutes later and we finally made it inside, sled and all.

George pulled me into a hug and my heart melted. His cheek pressed against my chest, head nestled in the crook of my neck. The snow that beautifully contrasted his dark hair began making its way down my neck but I refuse to push the man away from me.

"I thought we were going to die Dream, that was scary"

"I know but we're safe now"

"Yeah maybe safe but I'm still really fucking cold" We laughed and pulled away from each other  as I walked over to the sled  and pulled out the chopped wood and a hoodie from my bag. I placed the rough wood into the old woodstove and struck a match, pulled from my pocket. As the fire began to roar I turned to George and passed him the hoodie. Then I returned to the sled and pulled a blanket from my bag. I met George at the bed, there was only one (Yw). I laid the blanket down and tackled George to the bed, tackling him wasn't necessary, I just wanted to hear his laugh.

I pulled the blanket over us both and laid a bit away from George as I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. This worry was abolished when the brunette skootched closer and closer until I was spooning him, I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my nose into his hair, hoping he couldn't hear or fell the pounding of my heart and the butterflies flying marathons throughout my stomach.

"Only so we don't get cold" Those were the last words spoken before sleep overtook the both of us.


To be honest I'm not a big fan of my writing in this chapter but I like the first person so that might be more prominent throughout the book. Make sure to hydrate and eat properly, you all deserve it! Have a great rest of your day/afternoon/night and happy new year.

-Sunni :]

Words: 1233

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