//Escapes and Arrivals\\

29 1 0

No quote this time :]

TW: Cutting, slight gore, blood, Mentions of death, puking

The group quickly exited the building and entered the depth of darkness outside, just to be met with four very pissed off guards.

"And what do you think you're doing hm?"  The guard gripped his sword and threw the blanket in his arms to the ground.

Panic arose through Tommy's mind and despite his efforts to hide it, his terror was displayed on his face, allowing one small sound to exit,

"Uh oh" the sound was followed with a heavy, shaky breath. 

What were they gonna do? Despite all the bluffing he put up, Tommy actually had no 'girls' or 'wives' who could come and save the day.

He brought his eyes up to the four guards, one with a bow drawn, one in a fighting stance and the other two with swords, pointed directly at their chests. He took in the view of the woods and dirt road leading to Phils house. 

"You are a lying bitch!"

The guard gripped Niki by the front of her jacket while the words spilled from his mouth, one could only assume he was criticizing her lie about the wolves. He held his sword, with one sharp edge pushing into Niki's neck.

She spat in his face.

He brought the sword down and sliced her left thigh.

She barred her teeth, squinted her eyes and then spat again.

"Hey Tubbs" the words came out whispered as Tommy turned to his trembling twin. 

"Tommy?" Tubbo matched the pitch, keeping it outside of the knights hearing range.

"The woman is mad. Be extra careful and don't call her a bitch"

Tubbo rolled his eyes and glanced to the side as Tommy continued on about how 'he would know, seeing as the amount of wives and girls he had' and how 'Techno, who simply couldn't be dead, probably got some serious bitches too.' Tubbo was still shaking his head about his twins continuous mumbling when a scream caused him to rip his head towards Gabby who was now held tight against the other sword-bearing knight, the sharp blade slicing softly into her neck, just enough to draw a droplet of blood. His hazel eyes spread once more to Niki who had blood dripping down both legs sourcing from gouges on her outer thighs and a long, shallow cut starting on her shoulder and trailing across her collar bone. 

Now, as much as Gabby irritated the hell out of everyone, and got a bit too physical for many people, she didn't deserve death. 

Tubbo stared daggers at the surrounding forests, buildings, surroundings in general, when something caught his eye.

Pink. Pink hair. In a lose braid. 

Only one person had hair like that.

"so make sure if you see hi-"


"Yes Tubbo that's who I'm talking about, if you see him-"

"No Tommy, shut up. I see the blade"


"Shhhh Tommy!"

Their eyes, now filled with hope turned back to the knights who held Niki and Gabby (Isn't that a yt channel? oopsies not what I meant to do) to their surprise, the knight with no weapons threw a punch at Karl, why? No clue. 

Before the fist could connect with Karls face, Sapnap stepped in and took the punch straight to the face, he staggered back and wiped a hand under his nose, smearing the blood pooling from his nose across his upper lip.

"Do not hit Karl"

and in that moment, when all eyes were turned towards Sapnap, it happened, almost as if it was in slow motion. 

First, an arrow pierced the guard holding Niki's body against his own, keeping her upright. The arrow pierced through his neck, blood splattered in Niki's hair, his mouth fell agape and blood cascaded down his chin. His body went weak and he fell, bringing his sword and Niki down with him. The only issue being, Niki fell on the sword. 

The sharp blade pierced through her back and her mouth opened, eyes widened and eyebrows shot up in surprise.

While this took place Sapnap used the distraction and threw several punches to the unarmed guard, knocking him out. 

Techno, who had fired the bow rushed forward and disarmed the guard holding a bow and fired a quick shot into the ribcage of the guard holding Gabby.

After a second to comprehend everything the group sprung into action, Tubbo, Puffy and her grandmother rushing forward to Niki's aid and beginning to stem the blood flow and mend her to the best of their abilities. Fundy and parents hurried to Gabby who was throwing a fit and Ranboo, Phil, Techno and Tommy took care of the fallen guards bodies. Karl was holding a piece of fabric to Sapnap's nose, both blushing intensely while Michael gripped Karl's leg and asked several questions. The rest of the survivors took a second to breathe and gather items.


Dream and George walked through the village just outside of the castle of Fanderlings.

Whilst they were walking Dream marveled at the sights surrounding him, blood and water churned in the various puddles over the dirt roads, merchant's stands stood on angles, pieces broken and hanging in the wrong spots.

There were hanging flower baskets with their chains broken, some strewn across the mangled roads. A sad feeling of depression lingered in the air, only the bravest of citizens mulling about, and even those were making hurried steps into buildings, escaping the horrid sights of the streets.

The smaller boy at Dream's side shook slightly and a heartbroken sniffle escaped his body.

"I'm so sorry Georgie"

"It's okay Dream y-" a hiccup interrupted "you didn't chose this. You don't need to apologize"

"I still feel bad though. I mean this is your home, your land and its all..."

"I know... I know"

Dream placed an arm over George's shoulder and gently guided him closer to Dreams body, hoping to calm the brunet.

George squeezed his eyes shut, relying on Dream to guide him through the town, towards the castle.

He felt his boot fall under the water of a puddle, a slight crunch echoing out.

George peeled open his eyes to see what caused the crunch, he was met with the sight of a human hand floating in the puddle.

He could feel the bile rise through his throat, a hand flew to cover his mouth, a futile attempt at stopping the vomit.

Thankfully Dream noticed and pulled him into a nearby alley, helping the British boy into a crouching position and gently rubbed his back.

Were they truly ready for this?

Hello my Lovelies! I'm suuuuuper sorry about the crazy late update but I messed up my thumb, not sure if it's broken or badly sprained but it makes it quite difficult to type. Anywho, make sure you hydrate and eat properly, you Lovelies deserve it and have a wonderful rest of your day/night/afternoon!

-Sunni :]

Words: 1166

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