//~Unwanted Guest Pt. 2\\

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{You're fucking sick}


"Actually men, please tell me more about the attacks going on in the palace" those were the first words to leave Phil's mouth as he ripped the door open, calling out to the knights whom had began their retreat to the next house.

"Very well sir. Tehnoblade attacked with his followers about two weeks ago, it is unsaid of weather or not the king and queen survived but we do know that Prince George was seriously injured. If this horrid man overtakes the palace as we believe he will the surrounding grounds, here included will be in severe danger"

"Ah I understand. Now if you'll excuse me I have to make supper for me and my children. Goodbye" Phil shut the door yet again and waited until the knights were out of sight before moving downstairs to the cellar.

POV SWITCH -- Dream (when the knights arrived)

Clay and George could hear bits of the conversation floating down the vent which started right by the door and ended in the cellar closet.

"we are on the lookout for three individuals"

"George?" After hearing the words through the vents, Clay speaks up quietly,

"Yes Dream?"

"Are they talking about us?"

"Yeah I think so" The breath from Georges words rested on Clay's neck, sending shivers down his spine, big shivers. His senses almost heightened (as did his dick /j), he could feel George's torso hidden safely in his own arms, Georges arms wrapped around Clay with his head in the taller blonds chest, no snap outta it Clay.

"...dirty blond hair, green eyes and be around 6'0"

"I'm 6'3... fucking dumbasses"

"Calm down Clay" George's words came out with a light giggle, sending more shivers down Dream's spine, at this rate it was going to snap if George didn't stop his talking.

Moments later the boys could hear a figure moving down the stairs and approaching them. They had never been more silent in their entire lives, that is until the door opened and a pissed Philza appeared.

"Fucking pricks that lot are" Heat spread all over the duo's faces as they rushed to take their arms away from each other however with them both being still in the small closet, their attempts were fruity... oops I mean fruitless (That was a shit joke ik) and Phil erupted in laughter as Clay's hand came up and smacked himself in the face, this made George bring a hand up to cup Dream's nose, Phil remained laughing at the exit of the closet,

"I'm gonna piss myself, just come out guys"

"I'm trying but this dumbass is only good at hitting shit"

Finally they made it out of the closet and up the stairs to the living room where Phil filled them in on his conversation with the annoying knights.

"Clayton, George, I know it's not the best news but-"

"Phil I'm gonna interrupt you real quick. My kingdom is at risk, my parents, brother, my dog, everything I've ever known. I don't know about you but I'm not just gonna sit by and let that happen. I need to get there and get this under control. I've taken the time to heal up and clearly these Everfailt assholes, sorry Clay, aren't leaving. I'm taking action with your approval or without it"

"That's exactly what I was going to say George, I think you two need to go"

"What about Techno?"

"Clay, son he's been surviving for years now and we need him here if something bad does happen"

"You're right"

It was the next day, not quite twenty four hours since the encounter with the knights. Clay and George had gathered all of their friends, Sapnap, Niki, Karl, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Bad and Skeppy, they were planning on discussing their plans with their friends.

"So, we all met the knights who showed up and got my height wrong, we also know that they are looking for myself, George and Techno. We know Techno is remaining here, however George and I, we're uh... we're leaving. Going to Fanderlings to try and get a hold on this. People will listen to George because he outranks all of the knights."

"Yeah, we plan on leaving tonight. We're taking today to pack and prepare. I guess we really just wanted to say our goodbyes"


Hello hello lovelies! I've started a new book! I'm not sure I'll finish it I kinda just write when motivation strikes. If I do end up finishing it I'll publish it after this book is completed. Make sure to hydrate and eat properly, you deserve it! Have a great rest of your day/night/afternoon,

-Sunni :]

Words: 776

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