//~Without A Doubt~\\

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"Your highness? Your meal is ready, should I have it brought to the breakfast room?"

George placed a hand over his eyes and let out a tired sigh,

"No thank you, please have it sent here to my quarters and call for Kristin. I have a splitting headache"

"Right away sir"

George groaned and rubbed his temples in exasperation, his head and throat hurt and he really didn't want to be sick. He was hoping to visit with everyone from Liflic but he didn't want his sickness to spread.

"George dear? I didn't want to knock incase it worsened your headache. Am I imposing? The butler said you called"

George turned his head and saw Kristin peeking around the door, a soft smile and tired eyes gracing her face, her hair tied back in a lazy bun.

"Yes I did, do you have anything for my head?"

The motherly healer stepped into his room and sat on the edge of the kings bed, laying a hand on his lower leg.

"That depends hun, is the headache from the alcohol last night or did you catch a sickness?"

"I don't think I drank enough to give me this bad a hangover"

"Alrighty, I'll have Rèli sent to get some herbs to help relieve the pain. Do you have a sore throat?"

George nodded through a cough in answer to Kristin.

"Okay hun, we'll throw some honey in your tea."

"Thanks Kristin"

"Of course my dear"


Dream followed the billowing skirts of his sister as she ran down a spiral staircase, leading him to the supposed servants common room, as if she sense his confusion she spoke,

"I promise I'm not leading you to nowhere, the servants common room is a code we came up with when father was in power, it gave us a safe space to talk because he wanted nothing to do with anything associated with the servants"

No sooner had she finished her sentence and a door came into view, slightly opened providing an open passage to see Techno, Phil, and Sapnap seated with warm drinks and Sam pouring two more mugs.

"Hi Sam" Princess Drista's voice was cheerful as she greeted Sam with a wave before she turned and introduced herself to the other three men in the room. "Hi everyone, I'm technically the princess but please just call me Drista"

Dream introduced them all before sitting on a worn couch next to Sapnap, the overstuffed cushions practically consumed him and Sapnap, causing the pair to fall closer to eachother than intended.

Before the ravenet had time to open his mouth and make a sexual joke they all anticipated, the beloved princess beat him to it,

"You two look cozy"

The group broke out in laughter as Phil added on,

"Yeah you better watch out, Karl and George might get jealous"

"Karl and George? Who are they?"

Dreams face flushed slightly as Sapnap started explaining who George was,

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