//~Reminisce ~\\

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TW: Mentions of violence, drug and alcohol usage

Psst: words in italics are memories (with the exception of the words spoken throughout the chapter)

"Shhhh, you'll wake George"

"Too late I'm awake" George let out a grunt before sitting up in between Dreams legs, resting against his chest.

"Sorry George"

Everyone, excluding Punz and Ponk walked over and settled on the bed. Now having six people and a dog on the bed, it was crowded.

"Wait a second, explain. Please."

"Sure thing Kristin"

Before Dream could speak, George interrupted,

"Make yourselves comfortable, it's a long story."

Those on the bed giggled, and chuckled. Sounds ranging from wind chimes to teakettles filled the room, creating a warm and homey atmosphere, they settled and Dream began.

"In my youth, my father was an abusive alcoholic and drug user. A guard and good friend of my moms, Technoblade noticed the corruption within the palace and, with communication to Philza, a friend on the outside, they devised a plan to get me out. They kept in contact with my mother, she had my sister a couple years later. My mom died five years after my sister's birth. Since I was three years old I've lived with Phil, the night George showed up we healed him and a few days later he told us his story, leading Techno and Phil to explain mine. George and I took action, now here we are."

"Oh wow"

Dream giggled at Quackitys bewilderment,

"Yeah it's alot huh"

POV SWITCH -- Village

Now several hours later, Tubbo, Ranboo, Michael, Phil, Techno, Tommy, Karl, Sapnap and Niki stood at the village center. They were making the final preparations for the journey.

The breeze was warm, it was quite an early spring this year, just over a month early. It was February and the snow was already melting. The buds and plants wouldn't start for another month but the warmer weather was here.

Niki was clad in a beige woolen skirt, floral and leaf print corset, brown belt, white puffed sleeve shirt and some of her hair was in braids while some remained down. On her back she wore a burlap sac, containing some extra clothes, a blanket and a flask of water.

Michael had a gray wool cloak and gloves embroidered with a bee covered his hands, he too had a burlap sac with clothes, water and his bear plushie.

The others wore clothing similar to Michael's, just lighter. They each wore a bag in which clothes and a blanket could be found. Phil, Techno, Sapnap and Karl all pulled a sled as well, each sled containing two tents and food provisions. Everyone had their own flask of water, there were water sources along the way to refill.

As they prepared to walk, Niki began to reminisce, she thought of all the past times when the group went out to harvest the fresh berries and made a little vacation out of it.

Nikis hand grasped Puffys, pulling her towards a fresh patch of savory berries.

"Cmon we have to beat them hurry!"

The group had split into teams of two or three, starting up a competition of who could collect the most berries.

Puffy and Niki fell to the ground, arms reaching to pull the berries off their bush. After some time they made it back to the temporary camp, seeing all the others basking in the August warmth.

"Welcome back you two, you're the last ones back"

The girls smiled at the older woman, Puffys grandmother. She was seated beside a pond, crochet needle in hand and a basket of yarn at her feet.

After quick conversation they bid adieu, set the berries down at the main area and walked over to where they had previously spotted Dream. He was on the grass at the edge of the meadow, alone apart form his paints and canvas. Carefully laid out beside him were several colours of milk paint, he preferred them to oil paints as milk created much softer, more subtle colours whilst oil was harsh.

"Hey Dream" Niki had called as they sat beside him, "watcha painting?"

"Nothing so far. I've already painted the field and the forest, I want something new."

"You could paint us" Puffy stated simply, a smile on her face. Niki added her own nod to convince Dream,

"Yeah okay that's a pretty good idea"

Niki ran back to the main tent and grabbed a basket, nearly empty of berries, only a few remaining. She had then returned to the two seated in the grass. Her and Puffy moved in front of Dream, they set the basket down and sat on either side, their light skirts laid gently on the ground, faces encompassed smiles, to top it off, Niki picked up a berry, holding it away from her mouth as if she was about to eat it.

Dream worked quick, getting a rough sketch down, laying on the first layer of paint.

It was dusk by the time the trio made it back to the tents, they sat around the crackling camp fire, they sat with their friends and families.

Niki broke out of the happy memory when a small gloved hand slipped into her own, a quiet voice speaking her name, the voice of Michael,

"Niki? Where are we going?"

"We're going to a castle Michael"

The young boys eyes lit up and his face broke into a smile,

"A castle? Like one with big tall towers and pretty clothes and yummy food and big rooms and balls and-"

"Yes! Just like that"

"Oh this is so cool"

Niki giggled and nodded as Michael started spurting all his ideas of what he was going to do once they reached the castle. She didn't have the heart to tell him that this castle was not like the fairytales at the moment, right now it was more of a nightmare. She didn't have the heart to tell him that his ideas and stories may not happen because surely somebody from their group would be lost before they can live out the happy, palace life.

Tbh I have absolutely no idea what time period this is, there's no cars or electronics so it's pretty old. Anywho, make sure you eat properly and hydrate, you Lovelies deserve it! Have a wonderful rest of your day/afternoon/night! I love you all and you're more than enough.

-Sunni :]

Words: 1071

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