//~April 3rd, 1767~\\

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(I chose the 1700's because why not, so just pretend the history adds up.)

Monday, April 3rd, 1767.

Today, George Cadelle would be crowned king, and holy shit was he nervous.

The past week had been filled to the brim with planning. They announced his coronation to the public only to be met with copious amounts of support and happiness.

The castle had sent out groups of volunteers to help repair the torn apart town, not only clean but then decorate. George himself hadn't had the chance to get out and help as he was always whisked away with some form of planning needing to be done, whether it was choosing the fabric for his suit, or designing the invitations, even choosing the dishes to be served. However Dream had snuck out almost daily and when George would return to their warm bed at night the blond would tell the tales of the townsfolk and George almost felt as if he had been there.

Like the third night when Dream had seen Evelyn and Gracie, the woman and dog who had provided their hospitality when travelling. Or the fifth night when the blond found out where Nikis scars had come from, leading to him learning about their great escape from the guards who invaded Liflic.

The late nights and early mornings were the only times the blond and brunet could spend time together, other than the rogue kiss as they passed in a hallway they hadn't seen much of eachother.

The pair were currently cuddled up in bed talking sweet nothings when there was a knock on the door, followed quickly by a body falling through.

"What's up motherfuckers!"

"Sapnap you have to wait until they say come in"

Phil sounded exasperated as he corrected the ravenet on his manners. It was in vain though, when two more bodies tumbled through. One belonged to a fluffy haired brunet the other being one with a beanie.

Sapnap, followed closely by Karl and Quackity jumped up onto the bed, to 'crash the cuddles' as they put it.

George groaned and turned to bury his face in the crook of Dreams neck, a grumble escaping pink lips,

"Quackity you're my royal advisor this is highly unprofessional"

"They're bad influences"

Quackity shrugged as the icing on the cake for his previous excuse before more words tumbled from his working lips,

"Plus, Elouise and Garrett want you in the fitting room. Something about picking the matching jewelry."

George groaned yet again.

"They can shove their matching jewelry up my ass"

Dream chuckled and pressed a chaste kiss against his head,

"Cmon love, after today we can stay in bed forever"



"Ew stop being in love"

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