//~The beggining and The end~\\

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TW: Blood,

Dream pulled a cloth from the bag on his back and handed it to George who wiped his mouth.

The taller blonde pulled the shorter brunet close into his chest, his arms wrapped comfortingly around the trembling body, when George started to cry.

"I'm so sorry Georgie, we'll fix it. I promise"

The duo continued their walk towards the castle, they weren't idiots. They knew that the lack of guards throughout the town meant increased security in the palace. This would make their job much more difficult.

As they approached the gates, night began to fall. George was becoming drowsy and stumbling against Dream. The taller was becoming increasingly worried about where they would sleep that night, the guards probably did night patrols so sleeping on the streets was out, and much further they would end up within the palace walls, also out of the question.

Dream was becoming desperate in his thoughts, the brunet was now in his arms, head resting on Dreams shoulder, sound asleep. The blond stumbled slightly, his own drowsiness showing itself.

"Careful there son, don't want you to trip and drop your boyfriend"

Dream spun slightly to see a short elderly woman.

"Oh thank you, but he's not my boyfriend. Be careful yourself ma'am"

He smiled and just before he turned the woman spoke again,

"Shame. Do you two need somewhere to sleep? You look tired and disoriented"

"Well that depends ma'am, do you support the movement put forth by the Everfailt kingdom"

"Well that depends son, do you?"

Dream thought about his answer for a moment, if him and the woman agreed on their views he could secure a warm bed and food in the morning. If they disagreed he might have to hurt an old lady, which he did not want to do.

"No I do not"

"I'm glad son. Follow me then? I'll show you to my house"

"Thank you ma'am"

"Please, call me Evelyn"

"And Evelyn, you may call me Dream"

The trio began the walk back to Evelyn's house, quite a funny sight. A small elderly lady tugging the boys pulling sled, a tall blond carrying a smaller brunet and backpack, heading into the darkness with blood and destruction left in their wake. They continued their cheery conversation as they moved forth.

"Dream, now that's an interesting name. Nickname perhaps?"

"Hmm, perhaps"

"What's your 'not so boyfriend, boyfriends' name?"


Ah shit. He is such an idiot. Who the hell names the missing prince in his hometown, carrying a man with the same description as said prince.

The Runaway's love (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now