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{Just so you know, I hate you}

TW: Violence, Cutting, Blood, Non-Consensual touching (not sexually) Watch for this * to signify the begging and ending

"Good morning sunshine"

"It's Monday fuck off Clay" I say and rolled my head facing the wall before closing my eyes again. I could feel the blonds chest below my own but I was too tired to care, almost freezing to death takes a lot out of you.

"You're on top of me Georgie, I can't 'fuck off'"

"Fair point" with a grunt I rolled off of Dream and began packing up the small amount of items that made their way out of the sled, while I was busying myself with that Dream pulled out some muffins and water. 

Dream and I enjoyed our private feast before snuffing out the fire, saying goodbye the the cabin that saved us from death and returned to the snow and our trek to my kingdom. It was originally another days time before we'd get there but Dream said that with the new snow it might take upwards of two additional days. This sucks. It's cold and the snow is so deep. I can barely walk. However, it's for the good of Fanderlings so I have to do it, for my people.


Dream and George left a day ago and a huge storm hit. Nobody knows if they're okay but there's no way to tell so we just have to deal with it. Right now the town needs attention, there's trees down, branches everywhere, snow and ice cover all the roads, no horses can get through without slipping which obviously causes injury. I can't even get into the clinic without falling. 

As a town we decided to have a repairing feast, everyone brings a dish and we set up a table at town hall before spreading out and cleaning everything up. Sapnap, Puffy and Karl were coming to pick me up in ten minutes so we could head down together. I just needed to do my hair and put on outdoor clothing before I would be ready. 

I gripped the handle of my mirror and held it up as I made some last minute adjustments to the low messy bun my hair was in when a knock sounded at the door. The sound sparked fear within me, it rose through my body and with the shock my mirror fell from my hands to the floor.


I picked up the mirror which had landed face down, there was a significant shard of glass that had chipped but there was no time to clean it up as another knock rang through my ears,


I ran to the door, shard in hand and slipped on my jacket and boots, I placed the shard in my pocket and threw on a hat and gloves. Pulling the door open I was met with three rosy, cold faces and a pot of soup for the feast. 

"Sorry guys I dropped my mirror, are you ready to go?"

"Yeah Niki these bozos won't stop quizzing me on parts of animals"

"Well I'm sorry that we don't want a nimrod for a vet"

"Karl's right, if you can't name the parts of a horse you can't be a vet"

"Well it's a good thing Puffy isn't a nimrod then huh?"


After near an hour of cleaning and eating Niki had ended up on the edge of town with the twins, Ranboo and his adopted son Michael. A large crack and approaching voices struck them from the groups tranquility and cleaning. They thought nothing of it, assuming it was more people who had come to help them.

"Umm Dad?" The small and trembling voice of Michael was heard above the cru- wait the crunching stopped, is that breathing on the back of Niki's neck?

"Yes Michael?" It's not Michael or Ranboo's breath, that was proven with the volume of their words just now...

"Daddy that man is gonna hurt Niki!" 

Niki ducked out of instinct as the words rang from Michael's mouth, just in time for a branch to swing over her head, oh look at that the breathing isn't on her neck anymore. Thinking quickly she grabbed the shard from her mirror out of her pocket and swung around, brandishing the glass and coming in contact with a uniformed arm. The man in uniform stepped back clutching his arm and landed on a patch of ice before tumbling to the ground.

"Woah, that felt kinda badass"

Detecting a stinging on her hand with the glass, she drops it and pulls her hand up to see blood trickling down leaving a red droplet in the snow. Just as she was about to see if the others were okay she felt an arm snake around her neck, a blade pressed against it and another arm snake around her waist.

"Don't fucking touch me"

"Oh darlin no can do"

The uniformed officer kneed Niki in the back and pushed her forward, into town. With as subtle movement as she could muster Niki glanced at Tommy and Tubbo who were being restrained by three men, Ranboo who was pushing against the officer trying to get to Michael who was being held up by his shirt.

"PUT MY SON DOWN" Ranboo pushed against the arms holding even harder,

"HEY! Stop yelling I don't like it" The attacker retorted,




At that Tommy's restrainer hit the back of his head with the blunt end of a sharpened stick. Everyone fell silent and allowed themselves to be led into town, the blood from Niki's hand still leaving droplets, turning the beautiful stark white snow into a crimson red.



And that my lovelies is where I'll end it. Also from this point on there will be violence that is important to the plot and story, if this triggers you The Runaway's Love may not be the best book to read. Anywho, make sure you eat properly and hydrate, you lovelies deserve it! Have a great rest of your day/afternoon/night,

-Sunni :]

Words: 1051

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