~Digging up a body~

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Y/n was sitting down at the bleachers and watched while the lacrosse team practiced. She had forgotten her camera but thankfully coach didn't mind. As she was watching them practice Allison came and sat down next to her.
«Hey» Y/n said as she ga ve her a friendly smile.

«Hey» She said. She seemed kind of upset and decided to ask her.

«What's wrong?» Y/n asked

«Nothing...actually do you know why Scott left the party yesterday?» She asked the witch .It made her happy that Scott found someone who liked him as much as he liked her.

«Oh yeah..Don't be mad at him he was feeling sick yesterday so he had to leave. He wasn't feeling great before the party and we wanted to convince him not to go but he really wanted to go with you...he really likes you» Y/n said and smiled at her watching her as she sighed relieved.

Turning back to look at the field Y/n sees Scott on ground yelling in pain then watch Jackson surrounded by the other players but right now she was more focused on Scott. She watchd Stiles run to Scott and both get out of the field.

«I'll be right back»She says to Allison and goes to follow the to boys heading in the locker room.

«What's happening?» Y/n said as she entered the room but see Scott on top of the lockers transformed and roaring at her.

«Ah lovely» Y/n said not expecting any of this but was pulled by Stiles.

«Scott Calm down» Stiles said

«Scott listen to me you need to calm down» Y/n said ready to knock him out with her powers and blow her secret but was immediately stopped by Stiles  using the fire extinguisher on Scott.
Thank god she thought to herself

«Scott you okay?» She said getting closer to him.

«What happened?» He asks

«You tried to kill us» Stiles said making Scott at them

«It's the anger, your pulse rising.» She said

«Yeah and lacross is a pretty violent game» Stiles says.«You can't play Saturday»

«But Im first line»he says

«Not anymore»


Y/n was in Stiles bed laying with her eyes closed. She hasn't been able to sleep well recently so she was always tired. Alan was at work so she didn't want to be alone.

«Come on we got to call Scott»Stiles says making her stand up and walk next to him.
He held his water gun pointing it towards his laptop and waited for Scott to answer.

«You are such a nerd» she sais leaning against his chair.

«What?Its cool»He said making her scoff.

«What did you find out?»Scott asked as soon as he answered.

«It's not good,he got a separated shoulder » He said sighing.

«Because of me?»He asked.

«Because he's a tool Scott» Y/n said

«So is he gonna play?»He asks

«They don't know yet but they are counting on you for Saturday.»The boy answers. As Y/n was sitting there looking at the screen she noticed something.
«Stiles? Do you see that» She said getting closer to the screen and pointing at the black figure behind Scott. She sees Stiles slowly nod and start typing.
There is something behind you.

After the message sent we see the figure attack Scott and he immediately disconnected.

«He's fine...» She tried to assure but also to not worry.

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