~Saving him~

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It had been a couple of hours since Y/n got back home from the hospital. After she and Allison had brought Matt there, they were told that he had gotten a concussion so they didn't need to worry. To be honest Y/n wasn't worried at all but she still felt bad. They were friends after all.

Y/n was sitting in her room while Deaton was downstairs. She still hadn't got a call from both of her best friends telling her if Erica was okay and it stressed her out. She tried calling them both but for some reason they wouldn't pick up. Plus she couldn't really go to their house since she was still grounded and was being watched by not only her guardian Deaton but by her aunt Morrel.

Standing up , walking towards her desk. She picked up her potions book and left her room leaving the window open. She closed the door behind her and glancing up from the book seeing Deaton standing their with the warm smile he always had.

« I'm not going anywhere I swear. I'm just gonna get some potions ready. » She quickly said making him chuckle.

« Calm down, I'm not here to question you. » Deaton said slowly approaching her. Her eyes widened before letting out a small giggle notice how nervous she felt. This is stupid. She thought.

« Sorry. It's just with your sister always in my back it has become a habit at this point. » She said smiling at him.

« Ah yes, sorry about that. I'll tell her to leave you alone. » He said shaking his head realizing how he might have gone a little too far with the grounding.

« Anyways, I'm not here to talk to you about this. I'm actually here to tell you that I have to leave for a couple of hours. Meaning you will have to stay here. Alone. So I'm counting on you to not sneak out while i'm gone. »

« Don't worry. I won't. Plus Stiles and Scott are kind of busy dealing with their own stuff so I thought it might be a great opportunity to just make some potions. » Y/n said nodding her head. Even though she wanted to leave and go find her best friends, she decided to actually listen to him this time.

« Good. I trust you Y/n. » He said. Y/n could hear it that he wasn't lying. Deaton was the only person who she would always trust no matter what.
« And since you're going to be creating some potions while I'm gone. I recommend reading your mother's book. You could find a lot of useful spells and potions in there. » He said giving her a wink before leaving her alone in that hallway.

Y/n smiled at their conversation before walking up to a door and opening it revealing a small room filled with books, boxes and jars. It was dirty and dark. She stepped inside and placed the book she had in hand on the small table beside her. She slowly walked towards the boxes that were laying around on the floor. Staring at them for a couple of minutes before finally considering Alan's suggestion. She picked the dirty box in front of her and placed it on the table. She slowly swiped the dust off of it making her face scrunched at how dirty this place actually was.

« I really need to clean this place. » She mumbled to herself before opening the box revealing multiple old books with the name "Amelie" written on the cover page. She picked up the first book. Tracing her finger on the name knowing it was her mother's. Letting out a shaky breath she stepped away from the table walking over to her working desk before placing different type of jars in front of her. Opening the book. She immediately read the first quote that was written on it.

« To the future witches. I hope this book will help you and guide you when you need it. »

Smiling at the words, she then suddenly heard a small creak coming outside the door. Alan had left a long time ago. She saw a shadow underneath the door and knew that whoever it was, that wasn't Deaton. She placed the book on the desk slowly hoping to make no sound and started walking towards the door. She moved her fingers making a small green smoke appear on her hand before quickly opening the door catching the intruder off guard and grabbing them by the shoulder making them fall on the ground. She immediately put her hand on their neck keeping them on the floor and placed herself on top of them to prevent them from escaping. She brought her flashing hand next to their face. Y/n squinted her eyes trying to see their face before finally realizing who it was.

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