~ The break up~

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The bottles were now spread around the table while Lydia was mixing the chemicals. Y/n  was watching from afar as she listened Allison and Scott argue.

«Jackson, hand me the sulfuric acid» Lydia asked and Jackson handed her a bottle but seemed to hesitate. Lydia takes the bottle from his hand before starting to shake it lightly then finally closing it. It was ready. Scott walked up to the table taking the bottle in his hand and starting to walk towards the door.

«No.» Allison said now crying.« This is insane!You can't do this. You can't go out there»

«We can't sit here waiting for Stiles dad to check his messages.» He said

«You could die. Don't you get that?» Allison argued.

«And we're next. Someone has to do something » Scott said. Y/n didn't like the plan but it was the only plan they had at the moment. She just hoped that Scott would be okay.

«No Scott stop!» She said stepping in front of him.« Do you remember when you told me you knew whenever I was lying or not? So do you. You're a terrible liar.A-And you've been lying all night. Just o-please don't leave us.» She said crying. Scott looked at her before kissing. Once they pulled away Scott walked up to Y/n.

«Lock it behind me. And make sure they don't get out» He told her. She nodded before hugging him. Scott thought that Y/n was the only person he could count on right now. The only person that stayed calm.

«Be careful.» Y/n said before they broke apart locking the door with Scott no longer in the room.

It was silent. No one could say anything. Jackson and Allison stood next to each other while Lydia was behind them. Y/n watched her worried seeing her terrified face. Y/n may seem calm but she wasn't. She was scared. She had also left her best friend who was a new born werewolf deal with the Alpha by himself. Y/n wanted to get out of this room and go help him. She couldn't. She was too afraid of revealing her secret but she also had to make sure that no one leaves the room. Scott trusted her and she couldn't let him down.

«I don't get it.» Allison said breaking the silence.« I don't get why he would do that and why he left us. I-I can't stop my hands from shaking.» She said as tears travelled down her cheeks. Y/n didn't like how Allison thought that Scott left them. He didn't. He went to get us help. Y/n thought that Allison was being stubborn and it frustrated her.

«It's okay. It's gonna be okay» Jackson said to her grabbing her hands to comfort her. Y/n rolled her eyes at them annoyed how they were acting in front of Lydia.

«Jackson? You handed me the sulfuric acid right? Lydia asked looking at the bottles on the table.

«I gave you what you asked for didn't I?» Jackson snapped.

«Yeah. I'm sure you did.» Lydia said not taking her eyes from the bottles. Something was wrong Y/n thought to herself. Suddenly they heard a roar shaking around the school. Y/n covered her ears crouching down. She tired to calm her breath as she squeezed her eyes shut knowing that they were probably holding right now. The roar affected the witch. It made her head hurt.

«What wrong?» Stiles said noticing her on the ground.She couldn't hear him.With Jackson screaming and the roar making her ears ring she couldn't hear anything else.

«I need.. I need...» Y/n said not finishing her sentence. Stiles looked at her confused as he knelt in front her. After a while she finally removed her hands from her ears and releasing the breath she was holding.

«I'm fine» She said to Stiles standing up and noticing Jackson on the ground. She looked at him confused not knowing why he was also affected by it. Lydia and Allison tried helping him stand up but he pushed them off.

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