~ Not the usual lacrosse game~

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« If you wanna do this, Y/n. You're gonna have to talk. » Morrell said as she watched Y/n fidget with her sleeves.

« You already know that I don't want to do this. I already told Alan that I'm fine. » Y/n said in annoyance avoiding meeting her eyes.

After what had happened in the sheriff's station, everyone found out that Matt was behind all those murders but that wasn't what concerned Alan. He was worried about all the pictures they had found of Y/n in Matt's camera after the police had found his dead body by the lake. He drowned they said.

« How about we talk about Matt. From what I've heard you two were friends. » Morrell said giving her a small smile. Y/n hated her. She was nothing like Deaton. She always found a way to make Y/n uncomfortable by the way she kept watching her.

« You could say that...We only talked in french class. He was someone who had the same interests as me so it was nice to have someone like that. But that was until I found out that he was a total creep. » She said leaning back at her seat and leaning her head against her hand.

« Do you feel sad that he died? » She then asked.
Y/n thought about that question. What did she feel? Everything happened so fast that she didn't even have time to think about her feeling.

« No, after seeing what he had done to me. I don't feel sad. » She said finally letting herself look up to the woman in front of her.

« Is that because you only feel anger towards him? » She then asked.

« Maybe...You know, maybe he deserved dying after killing all this people. But I do know that he didn't deserve dying this way. »

« Why do you think so? » Morrell asked.

« He died with his biggest fear. He drowned. Even though he did all those things, I would still want him to die in peace. » She said shifting uncomfortably in her seat.

« How about the pictures he took of you. How do you feel about them? » She then asked but soon noticed how that question made Y/n even more uncomfortable.

« I knew he liked me...I just didn't know that it was that bad. It's kind of scary...seeing someone you actually appreciated, do those things to you while you are being completely clueless. It makes you question if you can really trust the closest people around you. » She said looking out of the window, seeing all the people laughing around.

« Does that go for Scott and Stiles? » She then asked making her freeze before she smiled.

« No..I trust them more than I trust myself. » She said looking back at Morrell before dropping her smile.

« Have you talked to them since that night? » Morell asked.

« No, I mean they have their own things to deal with so there's a lot of tension right now. I wouldn't want to bother them. » She said. With Scott's Mom finding out that Scott was a werewolf and Stiles still trying to process everything. They kind of just ignored each other to give each others space.

« How about Derek? I heard he was there that night to. Did you talk to him? » Y/n didn't know how to feel about Derek. He had been avoiding her ever since that night he killed Peter but then he would always send Isaac to check up on her. She didn't know if he actually cared about her or just wanted to annoy her.

« No..And I don't think he ever will. » Y/n said.

« Why do you think that? »

« I see it in his eyes. The way he looks at me. I know the only thing he sees is the fire but I can't really blame him. » Y/n said. Letting out a sigh she remembered what she had seen at Lydia's birthday.

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