~The failed escape~

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They  were walking around the halls not making a single sound trying to find somewhere to hide.

«This way»Scott said turning to the right.

«No no not this way» Stiles said stopping them.
«We have to go somewhere without windows»

«I think that every single room here has windows» Y/n said.

«Well somewhere with less windows»Stiles said annoyed at her little remark.

«The locker room» Scott spoke up getting an idea. She nod in agreement before the three of them start making their way to the locker room.

«Call your dad» Scott said closing the door as they enter the room.

«And tell him what?»

«I don't know. Anything. Gas leak,a fire, whatever.If that thing sees the parking lot filled with cop cars it'll take off»

«What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight including my dad» Stiles said. It was true, it would be too risky to do that.

«They have guns» Scott argued.

«Scott he's right. It's too dangerous» She said.

«Then we...we have to find a way out of here and just run for it»

«There's nothing the school for at least a mile»

«How about Derek's car? Scott suggested

«That could work. We go outside, we take the keys off his body and then we take the car» Stiles said .

«And him » She added. Y/n knew that Derek couldn't be dead so she wasn't  going to leave him there.

«Fine whatever» Stiles said rolling his eyes at her annoyed but then Scott suddenly stops them from making any move.

«I think I heard something»Scott said.

«Like what?» She asked. They were slowly backing up from the door as Scott listened carefully.

«Quick hide!» Scott said getting inside a locker.

«Wait what?» Y/! said confused standing in the middle of the room but was quickly pulled inside another locker by Stiles. Their chests pressed against each other as they breathed heavily from the fear but Y/n could also feel his heartbeat racing. She looked up to him only to find him already staring at her which caused her to give him a questioning look.

«Look I know that you tend to hide your feelings but I just really want to know if you're okay. You haven't-» He started whispering to her as she felt his breath on her face. She cut him off immediately by covering his mouth with her hand as soon as she heard a noise behind them and give him a glare. He stayed there silent for a couple of seconds when she finally heard a door open.

«Son of a bitch!» Someone shouted. Y/n knew it wasn't Scott so she immediately pushed the door behind me getting out of the locker to see what had happened. It was the janitor he had found Scott.

«What are you trying to do? Kill me? Get out of here, the three of you!» He said starting to get pissed off.

«Just listen for half a second please» Stiles tried to talk to him.

«Not okay! Get the hell out of here. Now!» The janitor said pushing them out of the locker room.

«Wait no just listen-» Y/n tried to argue but the janitor immediately closed the door in front of us but then a scream came behind that door. The janitor was slammed against the door as blood spilled on the door window. Her eyes widened from the scene as her hands begin to shake. Scott reaches out for the door handle wanting to open the door but was pulled back by Stiles as he took both of their wrists beginning to run away. They kept running around the halls when they finally stopped out of breath.

«God. What does he want?»Stiles asked as they continued walking down the halls.

«Me. » Scott replied. «Derek said it's stronger with a pack»

«Great. A psychotic werewolf who's into team work. That's...beautiful.» Stiles said sarcastically when he suddenly stops them. She looked up to him and notice him looking out the window. The witch followed his gaze and find the Alpha standing on top of the school looking directly at them.It was terrifying and she couldn't do anything but then suddenly the alpha starts running towards them.. Y/n start to panic taking a deep breath before starting to run grabbing Stiles wrist behind her. She looked behind her and see the window shattering as the alpha starts chasing them. They continued running going doing to the basement area before hiding behind some old locker. She put her hand up to cover her mouth as she breathed heavily. Scott moves his head to look at the corner only to find the alpha looking around for them.

«Go» Scott mouths telling them to go further into the basement.

«We have to do something» Stiles said

«Like what? We're kind of defenseless against that thing» She said.

«We have to do something. I don't know like kill it. Hurt it. Inflict mental anguish on it or something.» Stiles argued but suddenly they hear glass shattering making them jump slightly.
They look around and notice being in a random room with a heavy looking door. She looks at Stiles and see him slowly pull out his keys making them jingle.She gave him a pointed look warning him about the sound but of course he was ignoring her.He takes his keys when then he tosses them into the room making the alpha growl and run inside the room. The two boys quickly move and close the door in front of them trapping the alpha inside.

«The desk» Stiles tells Scott mentioning to move it in front of the door. Scott immediately moves to the desk pushing it towards the door as she joins to help him.They stand there in silence making sure that the door doesn't move. They hear the alpha trying to push the door but fail. The three of them look at each other smiling at their success.

«Okay lets go» She said starting to head out with Scott following her but notice Stiles standing by the door looking at the little window on the door.«Stiles? What are you doing?» She asked.

«I wanna take a look at it» The boy said making her look at him not believing his words.

«Are you crazy?» Scott whisper shouts at him.

«It's trapped okay? It's not gonna get out»

«It could! Which gives us time to get out of here» She said. He starts to climb on the desk ignoring her and looking through the door.

«That's right we got you!» Stiles said with confidence.

«Stiles! Shut up and let's go!» She shouted at him.

«I'm not scared of that thing».

«Well I am so getting out of here would be great»Y/n admitted. Ignoring her once again Stiles leaned against the door.

«I'm not scared of you!»Stiles shouted at the alpha.

«You should be!Stiles come on!» Y/n said starting to get impatient.

«I'm not scared of you!!» He yelled again. «Cause you're in there and we're so you're not going any whe-» He started to say but was cut off the Alpha crashing through the ceiling.

«Stiles...» Y/n said starting to panic . The three of them look up to the ceiling and start to back . They all run out and head towards the hall ways but suddenly Scott stops them.


Hello!! Sorry I didn't update sooner. I have been editing the last chapters because I didn't like how they turned out. So I would recommend to read this from the beginning if you haven't. But I hope you enjoy the story now!!!

Plz tell me your opinions!!

Have a good day! <3

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