~ Almost lost a friend~

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Eveyone knew that Y/n grew up with Deaton after her mother left. She didn't have anyone else in her family that she knew but that wasn't entirely true.
Deucalion, her father might have not always been present in her life but he always made sure to see her once in a while even if it wasn't for the great intentions. But seeing him, that made Y/n feel like he cared about her even though he was checking up on her powers only.

Y/n dug around her bag searching for her keys to get in her house. It had been a long day in school and Y/n just wanted to rest for the day. Opening the door, she dropped her bag down on the floor and closed the door behind her as she carefully removed her shoes to get comfortable.

" I'm home!" She shouted hoping that Alan was home. Waiting for a reply, Y/n let out a sigh as the voice of her guardian wasn't heard from around the house.

Grabbing her bag from the floor, she passed the kitchen ignoring the unusual open window and headed towards her room. She opened the door seeing books spread around the floor and her window being open. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows confused as she walked over the window wondering when she had opened it and immediately froze when she noticed scratches on the wall. She could tell they were made by some claws but not animal claws. Werewolf.

Closing her window, she took a deep breath trying to control her her heart that was now pounding from the fear and slowly walked over her bag opening it carefully not to make any sound. She pulled out her phone immediately texting Alan and placed it back in her bag.

The sound of clicking was suddenly heard from downstairs making her head perk at the sound. Y/n took small steps making her way down the stairs as the sound became louder and louder.

For some reason that sound was so familiar but she couldn't remember where it was from. Peaking her head through the living room door, Y/n saw nothing. It was just how it had always been. No open window or anything so Y/n careful walked towards the kitchen holding her breath and stopped behind the wall. She could hear the movement from inside. It was now obvious that someone had broke in the house.

Taking deep breath, Y/n was scared. She was alone with no one to help her. She didn't know who it was but Y/n assumed it was a werewolf that had to do with her mother. Stopping her movements, Y/n soon noticed that the clicking had stopped. The house feel quiet again.

Y/n peaked her head through the door way ignoring her heart beat that couldn't stop pounding and saw no one. The window was still open but they were no signs of anyone around. Y/n could swear that someone was there. Stepping inside the kitchen, Y/n walked up to the counter seeing a small necklace lying in there. She furrowed her eyebrows confused as she grabbed it. It had a small red gem and the chain was gold. It wasn't hers that's for sure so what was it doing there.

Y/n stared at the necklace in her hand letting her guards down for a second before her eyes widen at the sound of footsteps running behind her. Y/n quickly turned around seeing a pair of claws in front of her face and immediately dropped down on the floor and grabbed the person ankle tripping them. Y/n breath quickened as she raised her hand creating a glowing ball in her hand as she pinned them down on the floor but they knocked her off by kicking her away.

Y/n let out a groan as she hit her back against the counter. She slowly stood up as she watched the person in front of her stand up as well and gracefully moved her fingers letting the glowing smoke travel around her hands.

" Who are you?" Y/n said with heavy breaths as she glared at the woman in front of her. She noticed that she was bare foot and had claws on her feet. That was something that Y/n hadn't seen before.

The woman smirked as she pushed her hair away from her face revealing herself and growled at her.
" You'll find soon enough, sweetheart." The woman said before running up to her once again raising her claws up to scratch her.

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