~ I need to find her~

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Days had passed since Jackson came back to life.
Y/n wasn't really in contact with anyone except Isaac and Scott but from what she had heard after Jackson parents found that he was not dead they decided to leave Beacon Hills and go to London. Y/n thought it was a good idea for them. Isaac had told her that before Jackson left he went to see Derek to have a little bit of training so he could control his werewolf powers. In the end Y/n was happy for him even though she knew Lydia didn't actually enjoy it.

. The sound of her phone ringing was heard all around her room. Y/n let out a groan as she started to wake up. Grabbing the phone annoyed, she answered it without seeing who it was.

« What? » She said annoyed. Rubbing her eyes she looked to her left and saw that it was 10 am.

« Jeez. What's with the attitude? » A voice said which Y/n immediately recognized.

« What Isaac? » She said hearing him chuckle at the other end of the phone.

« It's 10 am. What are you still doing sleeping? » Isaac asked.

« I stayed up late last night going through my mother's books. » Y/n said sitting up on her bed and stretching her arms as she put Isaac on speaker.

« I thought i told you to stop doing that. You can't keep going to sleep that late. » Isaac argued with her.  Y/n rolled her eyes at him and stood up from her bed feeling cold.

« Yeah, whatever. It's just that once I start I can't stop. » She said grabbing her phone and stepping into the bathroom to wash her face.

« Did you find anything interesting this time? » He asked which made Y/n smile. He would always do that. Lecture her about it and then ask if she found out anything that could interest him. He was always happy to learn something about witches which Y/n appreciated.

« Yes. I think you might like it this time. So when do you want to come over? » She said stepping out of the bathroom and leaving her room.

« Actually..this isn't why I called you. » She heard Isaac say which made her confused. Ever since spring break started, her and Isaac would always hang out. They would hang out at her house and help her with some potions or go to the clinic while Deaton wasn't there to visit the animals.

« Then why did you? » Y/n asked as she made her way to the kitchen to get herself some breakfast.

« Derek wants to see you. » Hearing that made Y/n stand there in shock. Sure, she would see Derek when she would hang out with Isaac but they wouldn't talk or anything.

« Did he say why? » Y/n asked pouring herself some cereal while she sat on the table.

« No, just said to call you over. » Isaac said. Y/n didn't believe him. She could hear it in his voice that he sounded nervous but she didn't want to ask him.

« Okay, I'll come. » Y/n said nodding her head to herself. Hanging up, she started to feel nervous as she thought what Derek wanted.


Stopping in front of the metal door. Y/n was now at Derek's loft. She knew that he didn't live at the Hale house anymore but it felt weird being there. Y/n stood there waiting as she bounced her leg feeling nervous. The door suddenly slide open making her look and saw Peter standing there looking at her with a smirk.

« Oh, i forgot about you. » Y/n said glaring at him before walking inside making sure to push Peter slightly with her shoulder.

« Good to see you too. » He said sighing annoyed as he walked inside behind her. Rolling her eyes, she walked further into the room and saw Isaac with Derek standing by a table.

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