~ Mexican food~

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" Woah.." Scott said flinching as he noticed Isaac and Y/n standing by his door way. Isaac and Y/n both knew that Scott was going to go meet with Deucalion alone but the two of them couldn't let that happen.

" Where are you going?" Isaac asked glancing at the helmet on Scott's hands.

" Uh..I was gonna get some food to eat." Scott said stuttering as he tried his best to sound convincing.

" Great, i'm starving." Y/n said as she smiled at him watching him become nervous.

" Nah, it's okay. I can eat alone." Scott said glancing between the two of them.

" What are you getting?" Isaac asked raising his eyebrows at him.

" Uh..Mexican." Scott said after a long pause causing Y/n to let out a small chuckle.

" Dude, I love Mexican..." Isaac said starting to walk away with Y/n following but Scott quickly stopped them.

" Wait...I can eat alone. It's okay." Scott said pressing his lips together. He knew what they were doing and didn't want them to join. Y/n understood that immediately.

Looking back at him, Y/n's mouth curled into a smile as she saw his concern and grabbed his wrist pulling him." You don't have to. Come on."


Y/n got out of her car as they arrived at the abandoned mall where her father was planned to be for the night. She closed the door behind her, walking up towards Scott and Isaac as they removed their helmet and stepped away from the motorcycle.

" We're just gonna talk to him, try to reason with him. That's it." Scott said looking back at them. Isaac and Y/n looked at each other knowing that there would probably more than talking. It worried Y/n. This time she really had to go against her own father but Scott didn't know that.

" What?" Scott asked noticing a look from Isaac and looked at him confused.

" Nothing. It's just that...I'm actually kind of hungry now." Isaac said taking a deep breath causing Y/n to smile.

" I'm starving, so let's just get over with this then we can actually get Mexican." Y/n said looking back at them with a smirk as she started to walk away with them.

" Can't wait." Scott said patting her shoulder as they made their way further into the abandoned building.

Y/n felt her heart skip a beat as they made their way towards the escalators. Deucalion stood there with his cane on his hands as he smirked feeling their presence.

" You didn't come alone.." Deucalion said. Isaac glanced towards Y/n making sure she was okay but Y/n just kept her eyes on the Alpha in front of her while she scratched her palms anxiously.

" Yeah. This is Isaac and Y/n." Scott said looking towards his friends that stood next to him.

Deucalion smile grew at the name of his daughter.
" I'm not talking about them."

The sound of footsteps were suddenly heard. The three teenagers turned their heads towards the sound and found Derek walking towards the light revealing himself while Boyd and Cora stayed behind.

" You knew I would do this?" Scott asked raising his voice as he watched Derek make his way up to him.
" Derek, don't. You can't do this and no one gets hurt. If someone else dies.." Scott said as he noticed the werewolf staying quiet.

" Him." Derek finally said pointing towards Deucalion that stood there listening with amusement.
"Just him."

" Derek. Don't." Y/n said taking a step forward making Derek look back at her. He knew what he was doing. He knew that it would hurt her but he didn't care. Deucalion hurt her and Cora but what he didn't understand the pain that he would cause to Y/n. Deucalion was important to her no matter how much he hurt her.

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