~ Glen Capri~

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Y/n had her head leaned against the window yawning. The bus suddenly made a stop in from of a small hotel making the witch sit up.

" Glen Capri...What kind of name is that?" She said grabbing her bag following Isaac from behind as they both got out a the bus staring at the old motel.

The two stood next to each other watching as everyone got out of the bus before Scott spoke up.
" I've seen worst." He said staring at the motel with his mouth wide open.

" Where have you seen worst?" Stiles asked squinting his eyes at him not believing him.

Coach blew his whistle getting everyone's attention as he came back from the motel and walked up in front of everyone.
"Listen up. The meet's been pushed till tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgement when it come to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves.
You'll be pairing up. Choose wisely."

Students walked up to Coach grabbing their key room and immediately pairing up with their friends.
" And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants."

Y/n walked up to Coach grabbing her key while Lydia and Allison grabbed their own.
" You okay having a room alone? We could ask Coach to stay with us. I'm sure there is a room with three beds." Allison asked walking up to Y/n as she watched Isaac and Boyd walk away and head towards their room.

" It's fine...I think I actually need that time alone for a little while. Try to get things off my head." Y/n said rubbing her finger on her key before looking back at her friend.

They both smiled at each other understanding. Allison knew Y/n was having a hard time. With Derek's dead and everything that happened in Paris, Y/n didn't have the time to relax ever since she came back. Noticing the strawberry blond behind them, Allison turned around and saw Lydia standing there while she stared at the motel in front of them with a worried look.

" Lydia?" Allison asked causing Y/n to look back towards the girl.

" I don't like this place." Lydia said making the two girl look back at the motel.

" I don't think the people who own this place like the place." Allison said chuckling trying to reassure her.
" It's just for a night."

" A lot can happen in one night." Lydia said looking back at her two best friends as they looked at her in worry.

Allison stared at her as they stood there in the middle of the parking lot. Letting out a chuckle to try and remove the tension, she walked towards Lydia grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the motel.
" We're gonna be fine." She said as they walked away from the witch.

Y/n let out a sigh as she watched them walk away. She grabbed her pulling it around her shoulders. For some reason, she felt like Lydia was right. Taking a step forward seeing how she was the only one left,
Y/n took a deep breath before something caught her eye stopping her from taking a step further.

A woman stood by the stairs watching her as blood dripped from her hands. A smile formed on her face noticing Y/n looking back at her before slowly walking away disappearing. Y/n knew how to control her powers so seeing someone dead without her control meant that something happened to this place. People died. A lot of them. That's why she was seeing them. They wanted to reach out to her.


" All right so I have five." Stiles said as he and Scott dropped down on their beds.

" You have five suspects?" Scott asked turning his head to look at his best friend in disbelief.

" Yeah, it was originally 10. Well, nine technically, I guess. I had Derek in there twice."He said shrugging his shoulders as he stared at the ceiling thinking.

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