~ Surrounded by death~

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Her eyes were slightly open. Y/n stood there frozen in place as her hands remained on Stiles shoulders. She hadn't moved.

Isaac and Deaton slowly backed away from the tubs in front of them staring into the unconscious bodies that were floating in the water. Licking his lips uneasy, Isaac scratched the back on his head not removing his eyes from Allison.

" What now?" He spoke up shifting around worried.

Alan kept his eyes on Scott as he watched his body float up to the surface. He slowly backed away turning around facing the counter behind him and reaching out for a cloth. Wiping his hands, drying them, he let out a sigh.

" We wait." Alan said with a soft voice.

Nodding his head nervously, Isaac finally removed his eyes away from Allison and glanced behind him seeing Lydia staring at the bodies in horror. Following her gaze, his eyes traveled towards Stiles before noticing Y/n's hands still placed on his shoulders.

Isaac furrowed his eyebrows confused and slowly looked up to Y/n noticing how she hasn't moved.

" Y/n?" He called out making Lydia and Alan look up in confusion.

Alan tunred around finding Y/n standing there not moving a muscle before taking a few steps forwards to get a better view of her. Noticing the way her eyes kept flickering from green to their natural color, Alan immediately understood.

Isaac took a step forwards staring at her with panic.
" Y/n?" He called out again.

Lydia took a step forwards watching the witch in horror and glanced towards Alan in worry.
" What is wrong with her?" She said as she stood there watching the witch.

It was like she was frozen in place. Like she couldn't move or even see them. Letting out a scoff, Isaac walked up to her reaching out for her hoping to snap her out of it but Alan quickly raised his hand stopping him.

" Don't. If you get too close she might get hurt." Alan said crossing his arms over his chest observing the witch in interest.

" Why? What is happening to her?" Lydia asked in worry placing herself next to Y/n to take a closer look.

" Something is trying to communicate with her." Alan said watching Y/n eyes flicker colors every second.

" What do we do?" Lydia asked watching to girl in horror before turning her head towards Alan.

Letting out a sigh, Alan look at the both teenagers seeing their worry.
" For now... nothing. It is too dangerous. The best we can do is wait." Alan said taking a few steps backs.

Watching as Alan got further from the unconscious bodies in front of them, Isaac glanced at Y/n one last time before he took a seat further away from them.
He wanted to reach out for her, get her out of there but all he could do was wait.


" Don't let it in.." Something whispered with a raspy voice.

Y/n felt herself being pulled out of the water finally breathing. As she gasped for air, She kept blinking her eyes adjusting her vision before she noticed how she was sitting inside the same tub that Stiles was in.
Looking around panicked, Y/n noticed the way everything around her was white and blurry. Nothing was really clear to her and it seemed like she was dreaming.

Slowly standing up as she shivered from the cold,
Y/n stepped out of the tub dripping water on the floor. The place seemed empty. Behind her was a dark hall leading into something unknown but what really caught Y/n attention was the door in front of her. She could hear a faint sound coming from the other side.

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