~Tickets to the rave~

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Y/n stood beside Stiles and Scott after they had finished their lacrosse practice. Since Y/n had already a ticket for the rave, she didn't need to worry about finding one but for Stiles and Scott it seemed like they had lost hope in searching.

« Can anybody tell me where the hell Jackson is and why he missed morning practice? » Coach asked irritated as he slammed the door open catching everyone's attention.

« I thought i told you to keep and eye on him. » Stiles whispered to Scott but unfortunately he wasn't quiet enough.

« Stilinski! Jackson? » Coach asked.

« Sorry, Coach, I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him. » Stiles quickly said giving no information to him.

« And when was that? » Coach asked.

« Last time i saw him..was definitely the last time i saw him last. » He repeated making Y/n smile and look at the floor shaking her head.

Too confused to understand, coach ignored the boy and spoke up again but this time to Danny.
« Danny, tell Jackson no missing practice this close to the championships, okay? » He said with a calming voice but everyone could hear the frustration behind it.
« That goes for all of you. » He finally said eyeing every single one person in the room before going back to his office.

« Sorry, but I only got two myself. » Danny whispered to her friends after they had questioned him if he had any tickets for them.

« Do you even have a date, yet? » Stiles asked annoyed.

« I'm working on it. » Danny said.

« Okay, okay..Hear me out, you give us the tickets and you devote your life to abstinence and just-» He started saying making Y/n roll her eyes but suddenly she watched her two friends being suddenly being pulled back by someone.

« How do you two losers even survive ? » Isaac asked.

« With me, of course. » Y/n said making them turn to her and watch her smile.

« What are we supposed to do? No one's even selling. » Scott said sighing loudly. Y/n watched them carefully but quickly noticed Isaac eyeing some of the lacrosse players exchange tickets. A smirk appeared on his face letting go off Stiles and Scott.

« Wait here boys. » He said starting to walk away.

«Isaac, maybe that's not a great idea. » Y/n said warning him but the werewolf completely ignored her before walking towards the boy that held his tickets on his hand and knocking him out.

« Oh..Yup, that's excessive. » Stiles said as they all watched him.

« That's got to hurt.. » Y/n said flinching at the sight behind Stiles. Isaac took the tickets that had now fallen out beside the unconscious body before walking towards them and shoving the tickets towards their chests. He looked towards Y/n meeting her eyes, smirking and turned around before walking away.

« Enjoy the show. » They heard him say.

« Well at least, that's one problem off the list. » Y/n said patting their shoulders before walking out of the room.


« Ketamine? » Scott asked.

After school had ended the trio immediately went to the clinic to gather all the things they needed for the plan tonight.

« It's the same stuff we use on the dogs, just higher dosage. » Alan said as he held the small bottle in his hand before pushing it towards Scott.

« If you can get close enough to Jackson, it should slow him down and give you some time. » He said and then went to grab the jar of mountain ash.
« This is some of what you'll use to create  the barrier. This part is for you, Stiles. » He explained, handing the jar to Stiles.
« Only you. »

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