~ Wolvesbane~

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They were in the jeep driving in silence, a comfortable silence which they didn't mind but Scott finally decided to break the silence.
«I can't find anything about wolfsbane used in burial» he said. Y/n herself who grew up with werewolves and had no idea why either but she wasn't really curious. She thought it might have been personal which is why she didn't want to know.

«Keep looking! Maybe it's a ritual or something »Stiles said. Stiles has been trying to figure out everything about the supernatural after finding about werewolves and it scares her but she couldn't stop him.

«It can also be personal so maybe we should just drop it» She said hoping they would listen.

«We can't Y/n. Look I get that you used to know him but you have to understand that he's a different person now. You saw that body buried right» He said. «Okay so maybe it's a skill you have to learn...»

«I'll put it on my to-do list underneath figuring out how the heck I'm going to play the game tonight» Scott said grabbing their attention but as he said that something felt wrong. Y/n sniffed the air and immediately sneezed. Something was clearly wrong. Y/n felt like she was having an allergic reaction to something but couldn't figure out what. She kept sneezing, it wouldn't stop.

«Maybe it's different for werewolves girls» Stiles said to himself ignoring them.

«Okay stop» Scott said clearly getting angry.

«What?» Both she and Stiles asked at the same time

«Stop saying werewolf..Stop enjoying this so much» He answered

«Scott...you okay?» Y/n asked getting worried and sneezing afterwards.

«No! I'm far from okay» He said raising his voice at her which made her back up. He kept shut his eyes and started breathing heavily.

«You know you're going to have to accept this eventually» Stiles said clearly clueless from what is happening.

«I-I can't-» Scott said which made her immediately understand what he was trying to say.

«Well you are going to have to» Stiles said still clueless.
Y/n put her hands on Scott's shoulders forcing him to look at her.
«Scott..look at me...you have to calm down» She said rubbing his shoulders to calm him down and sneezing between sentences.
«I-I can't breath..»He said as he was panting which made Stiles finally realize as he turned his head to look at them.

«I know just slow your breathing okay?» She said putting a hand on his cheek to give him comfort then went to grab Stiles bag to search for the inhaler he always keeps. As she opened the bag she saw the wolfsbane from earlier. She take it in her hand and sneezed once again. That explains everything...the sneezing and Scott. Y/n took the flower and showed it to Stiles.
«What the hell is this?» She yelled at him

«You kept it???» Scott said as soon as he saw the flower in her hand.

«What was I supposed to do?»He said and pulled over.

«Stiles it's wolfsbane!! You're not supposed to take it with you!» She shouted back at him. Y/n looked back at Scott and saw his claws and eyes that started to glow. She took the bag and put the flower inside them threw it out of the window. As she turned her head to look at Scott she sees him jump out the jeep and start running. Great she thought to herself. Y/n sighed before jumping in the front seat as Stiles drove her home.

«Sorry» She whispered hoping he would hear her. Apologies weren't her thing and especially with Stiles but right now she felt like she needed to apologize to him. She turned her head to look at him and see him already looking at her with his eyes widen.

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