~ The Nemeton~

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" It's the Nemeton. That's where she's keeping them. It has to be." Stiles said as they stepped out of the counseling room.

Nodding her head at him, Y/n and Lydia followed Stiles around the loud halls before they heard someone calling out a name.

" Stilinski!" Mr. Mcall called out making the three teenagers look up and find him standing in the middle of the hallway.

Letting out an annoyed groan, Y/n grabbed Stiles wrist stopping him before turning towards Lydia.
" Okay, go find Derek, all right? He and Peter have been there before so they'll probably know where it is. It's the root cellar, okay? They'll know." Y/n explained towards Lydia.

Nodding at them, Lydia listened to her carefully before walking away. Watching her run away, Y/n let out a small breath in worry and tunred towards Stiles as they have each other a nod reassuring each others. As they both turned around, Mr. Mcall stood in front of them looking down at Stiles.

"Did you know that your dad's car is in the school parking lot and has been since last night?" Mr. Mcall immediately asked making Stiles mouth open for a second before closing it nervously.

" No. What does that mean?" Stiles lied with worry in his voice.

" It means he's officially missing."


Y/n stood next Stiles waiting impatiently as Mr. Mcall pulled them both into an empty classroom to talk alone. Y/n could tell that Mcall was suspicious of them but the two teenagers just continued acting clueless.

" Stiles, why am I getting the feeling you know something that could help us find your dad?" Mcall asked staring down at Stiles that kept his head down.

" If I did why would I not tell you?" Stiles asked rolling his eyes annoyed as he kept fidgeting his hands impatiently.

" If it meant helping your dad, why wouldn't you?" Mcall asked tilting his head at him.

Narrowing his eyes at him, Stiles looked at him confused.
" So you're asking me to tell you what I would not tell you?"

" First I have no idea what you just said. Second, how about you just help me help you?" Mcall said with a serious expression.

" Well, i don't know how to help you help me tell you something that would help you if I don't know it." Stiles said scrunching his face at his words.

" This is getting confusing.." Y/n said furrowing her eyebrows confused.

" Are you doing this on purpose?" Mcall asked squinting his eyes at Stiles.

" I don't know anything, okay? Can I just go?" Stiles said sitting up as he started to get annoyed.

" Where are your other friends..other than Y/n." Mcall asked eyeing Y/n before turning back towards Stiles.

" You mean Scott?" Stiles finally had the courage to say.

" I mean Scott, I mean Isaac Lahey, Allison Argent, these twins Ethan and Aiden." Mcall said as he opened his notepad reading out the names.
" I've been told your whole little clique didn't show up at school today."

Cringing at the choice of words, Y/n sat up annoyed and spoke up instead.
" We don't know, okay?"

Pointing towards Y/n, Stiles nodded his head and glared at the man in front of them.
" And i don't have a clique."

" Stiles, come on. There's been a pretty disturbing amount of violence activity in this county in the last few months. Several murders tied to this school. I don't know what's going on here but it's serious. And..." Seeing how Stiles wasn't paying attention, Mcall called out for him making Stiles look up to him before noticing the tears in his eyes.
" Your dad is missing."

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