~Magic Bullet~

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Apparently Derek paid a little visit to Scott last night and explained to him how he wasn't the one to bite him and that there this werewolf called the Alpha. It made more sense now because Derek obviously wasn't an Alpha.
They were in class. Y/n was sitting behind Stiles with Scott beside him.Even thought they both knew Scott didn't want to talk about it Stiles was till very curious. The witch watched him start to lean towards his friend and ask.
«If Derek isn't the Alpha  and isn't the one who bit you then who did?»

«I don't know»

«Did the Alpha kill the bus driver ?»Stiles asked again.

«I don't know»

«Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?»The boy asked once again

«I don't know!»Scott snapped annoyed by all these questions. Stiles was about to say something but was cut by was cut by the teacher handing out our papers. Y/n took her paper and groaned loudly once she saw the big red D on top of the paper. She leaned in front to see Stiles paper and saw that he got an A. Of course he did. Stiles was really smart to begin with. He turned around and gave her a small sympathetic smile. «You can come over later so we can study since we couldn't last time» He said to comfort her. She smiled and nodded happily to his request.He then turned to look at Scott's paper and saw another big D- on his paper.

«Dude you need to study more»Stiles said to tease his friend.

«You need help to study? Me and Stiles are going over to his house later, you wanna join us?» Y/n offered

«No I'm studying with Allison after school»

«That's my boy!»Stiles praised.

«We're just studying»Scott said annoyed.

«Uh no you're not»Stiles said which made his two fiends look at him confused.

«They're not?»Y/n asked clearly having no idea what he meant.

«I'm not?»Scott asked as confused as her.

«Not if I'm forced to live through you»

«Oh god Stiles they're just studying!Just because he's going to her house doesn't mean they're gonna do it»She whispered yelled at him.
«Look Scott don't listen to him just do whatever you want to do» Y/n said with a more soft tone.

«If you go to her house and squander that colossal opportunity I swear to got I'll have you deballed» Stiles said.

«Okay okay...Just stop with the questions...please»Scott whispered to them but mostly to Stiles

«Noted...No more questions.No more talking about the Alpha or Derek...Especially Derek who still scares me.»He said making her laugh at his little comment.

«Do you need me to protect you from my little werewolf friend»She fake pouted which he responded with death glare.


«I will join you in a sec I have to go get my stuff from my locker»She said to Stiles before leaving him to go to her locker.

As she was gathering her stuff she was joined by Allison.
«Hey!»She opened her mouth to say something but hesitated.

«Hey what's up?»

«Uh Scott is coming over later and I was wondering if he said anything about it»Y/n smiled at her worry.

«If you're wondering if he said anything about doing something then no but I just want you to know that he won't do anything that you're not comfortable with» She said which caused her to smile at her words.

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