Deucalion's daughter

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As soon as the car stopped Y/n swung the door open and slammed it behind her. Her feet dropped down on the floor and she quickly grabbed her bag not looking back.

"Wait! Let me-" She heard Scott call out for her.
Y/n stopped for a second and tunred her head around finding her best friend looking at her with worry.

Her lips formed into a smile and she slowly shook her head.
" Don't worry...I'll be quick." She said before her eyes landed on Stiles. He wasn't looking at her. The look on his face made her heart drop. Bitting down her lip anxiously, Y/n quickly turned around and ran inside the clinic not wasting a second.

Y/n knew that Scott could feel her panic. I mean how could she hide it. The ringing sound was now gone but for some reason she could still hear it. There was blood on her clothes from the cuts around her wrist and the dried blood on her ears kept bothering her but she didn't do anything about it.

She was too focused on Stiles. She couldn't imagine how he was feeling. Jennifer took his father right in front of his eyes and no one could do anything. Not even her.

She kept blaming herself. Y/n knew her potential. She knew that she could have done something to fight against Jennifer but she didn't. Something was holding her back and now because of that Stilinski is taken. If they don't do anything he might be gone soon.

Swinging the door open, Y/n pushed her hair out of her face and rushed inside the examination room. She knew that Alan wasn't there but she knew what she had to do. They had talked about this.

Walking towards the cabinets, Y/n didn't waste any time to open every single one of them. She pulled out every jar inside squinting her eyes as she searched.

Jars and flasks were scattered everywhere. The sound of her own breathing was all she could hear right now and to be honest it made her more panicked. Cursing under her breaths, Y/n shut her eyes and gasped for air as she crouched down taking a minute to calm down. She bit the inside of her cheek before finally opening her eyes.

Opening the drawer in front of her, her eyes slightly lit up. She let out a deep breath in relief before grabbing the jar in her hand. Shoving it in her bag, Y/n quickly grabbed her keys and left the clinic without a second thought.


" Derek?" Jennifer called out as she ran inside the loft panicked. " Derek, where are you?" She yelled looking around before she heard a voice.

" Right here." Derek said revealing himself.

" Thank god." Jennifer said letting out a sigh of relief before running up to him and wrapping her arms around his neck.
" Something happened at the recital. At the school. Okay, I need to tell you before you hear it, before you hear any of it from them." She said pulling away from him.

Derek listened to her carefully watching her panicked state and furrowed his eyebrows confused.
" From who?" He asked.

" Scott, Stiles, Y/n. They're gonna tell you things. Things you can't believe. You have to trust me, okay?" Jennifer pleaded as she squeezed his hand.

" What is it?" Derek asked in worry as he stared into her eyes.

" Promise you'll listen to me." Jennifer begged. Derek stared at her for a few seconds hesitating before nodding his head at her.

" Promise." He told her.

Jennifer sighed in relief staring at him before slowly pulling him pressing her lips against his. Derek kissed her back as the thunder was heard from outside before Jennifer opened her eyes and pulled away.

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