~ Birthday Party~

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« Lydia, did I really have to come with you? I mean you already gave me my dress. » Y/n said.

Y/n and Lydia were walking towards Allison's house hoping to get ready for her birthday party. After what had happened at the rave Y/n has been ignoring Allison. She couldn't face her after what her mother did to her but unfortunately since it was Lydia's birthday she had to.

« Y/n, Since it's my birthday, you know that I don't only need the perfect dress but also my two best friends to help me so yes. You need to be here with me. »  Lydia said as she rang the bell in front of the house and soon the door opened revealing Mr. Argent.

« Hello. What can I do for you girls? » He said eyeing Y/n.

« Is Allison here? We'd like to get ready for my party. » Lydia said with excitement.

« She's upstairs in her room. » He said looking at Lydia with a fake smile. Lydia quickly went inside grabbing Y/n who was glaring at the man in front of her before climbing up the stairs to find Allison in her room studying.

« Clear your schedule. This could take a while. » Lydia said making Allison look up to them with a smile.

« How many outfits do you plan on wearing tonight? » Allison said laughing as she stood up to join them. Y/n sat on a chair watching them and carefully avoiding Allison gaze.

« It's my birthday party. I'm thinking host dress, evening dress, then, after hours casual. » Lydia said laying out the dress from the bags on the bed.
Allison looked at Y/n chuckling which Y/n returned awkwardly.

« I noticed that you didn't send out any invites. » Allison said.

« It's the biggest party of the year, Allison. Everyone knows. » Lydia said not paying attention to them.

« I don't know maybe, this year might be different. » Y/n said speaking for the first time.

« Why would it be different? » She asked confused.

« Just cause things have been off lately. Things and people. Like Jackson. » Allison spoke up but Lydia quickly looked up at her at the mention of Jackson.

« What do you care about Jackson? » Lydia asked.

« Do you know if he's coming tonight? » Allison asked glancing at Y/n before looking at Lydia. Y/n knew that she asked because of Scott.

« Everyone's coming. » Lydia said completely dodging the questions. At that Y/n noticed how weird Lydia had been acting. Something seemed off but she decided to not pay attention to it.

« This one's for you. » Lydia said coming back to her excited self as she grabbed a floral dress from the bag and handing it to Allison but before she could grab it they heard a knock. They turned their heads towards the door, seeing Miss Argent standing there with a warm smile but as soon as Y/n saw her she shifted in her seat uncomfortable.

« Miss Argent. What do you think of this one? » Lydia asked as she showed her a blue mini dress.

« Oh, it's lovely. Allison, can I grab you for a moment to talk? » She asked looking at Y/n for a split second before looking back at her daughter.

« Can we do it later? » Allison asked.

« Actually, to be honest sooner would be better. » She said as she grabbed her shoulder and rubbing it.
Y/n didn't know what happened with her and Derek after she left but from what she could tell, something happened to her.

« Party's at 10. » Lydia reminded them.

« Oh, you'll be around before then? » Miss Argent asked Allison.

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