~ The new Alpha~

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«Scott Mcall.» Gérard called as he read his file.
«Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete.»
He continued while the three of them stayed quiet.

«Y/n Deaton. The school photographer and the Coaches assistant. You also seem to be interested in art i see.» He said staring down at her while the witch glared at him.
«You are Alan Deaton's child?» He asked smiling at her.

«I think you know exactly who I am. » She said staring directly into his eyes. Gerard sigh loudly finally breaking eye contact with her before looking at Stiles.

«Mr. Stilinski.» He called catching Stiles attention. «Oh, perfect grades but a little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse.» He said.

«Oh actually I'm already-» Stiles started saying but Gerard immediately cut him off.

«Hold on...Mcall.» He said turning to look at Scott. Y/n furrowed her brows confused and worried about what he's about to say.
«You're the Scott that was daring my granddaughter.» He said but as soon as they heard him Y/n felt Scott's body tense and becoming more nervous.

«We were dating but not anymore. Not daring, not seeing each other or doing anything with each other...» Scott started saying as he panicked. Y/n kicked him with her leg warning him so Scott turned to look at her and shut his mouth.

«Relax Scott, you look like  you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth.» Gerard said keeping his eyes on the scared werewolf. Y/n knew that he felt something suspicious about Scott. To be honest anyone would feel it. That boy could not be more obvious.

«Just a hard breakup.» Scott said trying to cover up.

«Ah, that's too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me.» He said smirking at them.«Now listen guys. Yes, I am the principal but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy.»
Gerard said.

«Heh, is that so?» Stiles murmured making
Y/n scoff.

«However this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers. So unfortunately, someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention.» Gerard said. They all slowly turned their head towards the buzz cut boy. Stiles looked at them in disbelief while Y/n gave him an innocent smile.


«Scott! Wait!» Y/n shouted as watched Scott run out of the principals office.
«Scott!» She shouted once again running after him but stopped as she found him outside looking at the sheriffs car driving away with Isaac inside looking directly at them.
«What do we do now?» Y/n asked as they watched the car get further and further.

«I don't know...but we have to do something.» Scott said turning around to walk back into the school but stopped when they heard a car stop behind them. Y/n turned around to find that car being Derek. She sighed loudly annoyed at him.

«Get in.» He ordered them without saying anything else.

«Are you serious? You did that. That is your fault.» Scott yelled at him.

«I know that. Now get in the car and help me.»
He said trying to stay calm.

«What makes you think we're gonna help you?» Y/n finally said glaring at him. Y/n was mad at him and she knew he was mad at her too. They haven't talked since Peter died so you could feel the tension between them.

«Thats why I'm asking for his help not yours.»
Derek snapped at her making her scoff and roll her eyes at him.

«No. I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call a lawyer. Because a lawyer might actually have a chance at getting him out before the moon goes up.» Scott yelled getting closer to the car and leaving Y/n behind.

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