« What did you do? »

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Y/n had left Stiles and Scott after seeing Matt. She was trying her best to ignore him but she kept seeing him watching her from afar. Drinking the punch that Lydia had given to her, she noticed Allison standing awkwardly by herself but before she could walk up to her Matt stopped her standing in her way. She looked up at him with a glare and raised her eyebrows at him.

«What? » She asked annoyed ready to walk away.

« I just want to talk. » He said putting his hands in surrender.

« Fine. » She said rolling her eyes before telling him to follow her inside so they could talk somewhere more quiet. Stepping inside a room, she placed her glass on a table and turned to look back at him.

« You got two minutes, that's all. » She said crossing her arms around her chest. He reached the door handle starting to close the door.

« The door stays open. » She said glaring at him.

« Okay. » He said nervously, opening the door behind him before approaching her.
« So, I know I took some pictures of you that I should have told you about, but is it really that bad that...I think you're beautiful. » He said stepping closer to her causing her to take steps back keeping a good distance between them.

Y/n laughed at his words in disbelief not believing that he wasn't actually understanding the problem.

« Um, Matt...Some of the pictures, I don't even know how you took them. »

« Come on, Y/n. Photographer call them candids. You should know that.» He said chuckling.

« Yeah, well, Police officers call it stalking. Matt, I don't think you understand the problem here. There are literal pictures of me in my house. Not even the closest people have been in my house. » She said with a calming voice not wanting to cause a scene.
Hearing that made Matt's smile drop.

« Stalking? So I'm...I'm a stalker now. You think, my  bedroom is wallpapered with your photos. You think I'm the kind of guy that's gonna say something like,
" Well if I can't have her, no one can?" » He started rambling as he started to get more and more angry but Y/n wasn't paying attention to him.

« You know what? Get over yourself, because there's another pretty girl walking through the room every five minutes. » He said causing Y/n to look at his disbelief. Realizing what he just said, Matt looked at her in regret making Y/n smirk at his behavior.

« Well then, let's hope you don't scare the next one away this time. Good luck. » She said walking past him but Matt grabbed her wrist. Y/n grabbed his shoulder and tripped him on the floor causing him to groan.

« What is the matter with you? » He said in pain.

« Sorry, reflex. » Y/n said hiding her smile before walking out of the door immediately being pushed around by the dancing crowd around her. Feeling panic coming over her as her breath started quicken, she pushed past those people wanting to find the only person she could think of.

« Stiles... » She said looking around. Not finding him anywhere, she started to feel the panic grow bigger not seeing the boy anywhere.

« Stiles! » She shouted. People around her ignored her making her realize that not a single person looked like themselves. Running away from the crowd and the loud music, she now found herself
outside of the house. Running her hand through her hair to move it out of her face, she closed her eyes, taking deep breath trying to calm down but then she suddenly heard a scream. Her eyes shot open looking at the house she just came out of and walked back inside to find where that scream came from but when she opened the door, she was no longer there. She was far from Lydia's house. She was in the woods.

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