Kill a demon today, Slay the Devil tomorrow

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Maximous made a quite a mess. He ripped every officer that stood in his way limb from limb . Their blood stained his muzzle and dripped along his silky black fur. I was never more proud of my little savior. He was becoming a true wolf. When the man that stabbed Sophia ran he ran after him . It was useless, he was powerful but he was no tracker. The officer had got into his car and ran away.

He came back in to check in on Sophia when he found her lying on the ground bled out . Her eyes her blurred with death. A temporary death , of course , but death to say the least.

He held her in his arms and began to cry , " Are you just going to stand there !" He yelled at me .

"This was not fault of mine . I told you to think before you react . You have to think Maximous. I understand the need to protect your mate more than anyone. But you have to think your actions through, not everything can be solved with violence .Even the most skilled warrior will still fall if he does not see the snake beneath his feet that man was your snake . Let this be your last mistake, brother . " I said reffering to the scene that just happened.

"Why isn't she waking up ?" He asked looking at her still crying.

" She died !" I said annoyed. " Give her soul time to repair itself . "

He sniffed and wiped his eyes. He closed her eyes and carried her out of the foyer.

Peter stood behind me .

"You've done well today, how would you like a promotion?" I asked.
His eyes lit up , but then he hung his head.
"I would love to Alpha, but I am just a guard. All I know is how to protect." He said disappointed in himself.

"You are whatever you say you are , you want to be a guard or do you want to define your own future ?" I asked concerned.

He contemplated the question.
" what's the job ?" He asked.
"A personal guard , your new position will allow you to live in the castle and an increase in rations for your family ." I explained.

He looked like he wanted to hug me . His smile was so bright.

"Thank you Alpha . You will not regret this. "He promised..
" No peter , thank you . For you loyalty."

Only queens thank servants for their loyalty..
Ziphora whispered.

Silly wolf , what did you think ? I was just an alpha? I laughed back .

I open my eyes to find myself surrounded by my roommates masculine scent. he stood not but a couple meters away from me pacing the foot of the bed that I found myself laying on. I sat up and he instantly stopped pacing,

" I'm so glad you're- where is Sofia?" He asked growling .

" Don't growl at me mate" I snarled back .

" Is she alright?" He asked calming down .

" she's healing. she should be back anytime now, I can feel her getting stronger." I replied .

He sighed in relief and the sight of it made me want to whimper. I held down all of my urges to go to him. The way he treats Sofia, is no way for mates to treat one another and I cannot allow my selfish desires to overcome what is so obviously shown. I tried to get to my feet only to feel a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I winced at the stabbing pain and focused all of my attention on the wound. I channeled Sophia's inner vampire and heal the wound. Once it was healed, I got up to my feet and begin to walk towards the door. When I felt my mates hand grabbed my wrist, the sparks shot up my arm.

" Please stay. " He pleaded. " I know I didn't lose her, but it felt like I did. please let me hold her."

I understood his grief and it made me whimper. He pulled me to his bed and layed down. I crawled in and let him drap his arm over me.

" I'm sorry , Sophia. " He whispered as I slowly felt her taking back control ,I know she heard him .

Under other circumstances I would leave. I would pack my shit and never return. but she is my mate. I felt everything she did with that fukking vampire and I refuse to let another day go by and I go through pain like that again. if she wants to f*** vampires, she's going to have a hard time doing it with me in the next room. I need her, my wolf will not shut up about her. He is driving me insane, and the farther away I am the more it hurts. so I'm driving back to that fucking castle, that little brother of her says to never come back. Fukking kid, I will never take orders from a fucking kid! I go where I damn well please, and a 18 year old newly turned werewolf / vampire hybrid is not going to stop me.

Buthedid. James whispered.

Ohshutupyou. I yelled back.

I arrived at the Castle perimeter to be greeted by a werewolf with a very heavy scowl on his face.
" what is your business here?"
" I'm here because my mate is here."
" if you wish for residency in alpha Michelson's territory you must return in the year when we are having the judgment ceremony. do not come back unless you are invited."

" now you listen here kid, alpha Michaelson is my mate. now let me through before I have to kill you." I threatened him.

" the only one who is going to die here is you. this perimeter is heavily guarded and the men are highly trained. Even if you were stronger than me you would have to be stronger than me and 30 other men just like me willing to protect our alpha no matter what the consequence. It is wise that you back up and leave this place and do not come back unless you are invited. alpha Michaelson will not like people at our borders for too long." He instructed me calmly.

That set me off. Open the door , slammed it behind me. I launched and lunged for his throat . He did not attack me back , he simply stood and watched with a glint of humor in his eyes , I like I didn't have him by his throat, like I couldn't snatch his life from his being in this very second. He just stared at me like I was a fool, maybe that's just how powerful Sage is. Even her lackeys are not afraid , the people who she provided protection are now possessing similar traits she possesses. if I didn't know her so well I'd say she had them all under her thumb, and that's exactly where they liked it. I smelled another scent coming towards me and before I could react , a small girl with blue eyes and blonde hair dug her claws into my back I let go of the man in front of me and she tied my hands behind my back.
" you should have left while you have the chance . Every smart werewolves knows not to come into Michaelson territory. What are you an idiot? Well all idiots end up in jail, I guess that's where you'll be , until Alpha gets back and can deal with you." She said in my ear.
" Thanks Amelia, I would have just killed him. You just saved us from punishment from Alpha Michaelson. you know she promoted me today I'm going to be someone's personal guard just like you. "He said looking down at me if I were just a bug .

"I've actually come to get you for that when I found this one with his hands around your throat. What kind of personal guard lets a weak werewolf sink its paws into their neck? " she asked all he did was laugh and they began to walk me to the castle dungeon.

When we got there it was less like a dungeon and more like a storage room there were 5 cages all lined in a row and it was strong smell of silver. The Amelia girl opened one of the cages and threw me inside. they close the door and the guard spit in my cage. when they finally left I hurt another person breathing. I looked around to see shadow two cages down from mine , it's still in the corner mumbling something under his breath.

"are you alright?" I asked.

" I've been dead for 16 years and the first thing you say to me is , Am I my alright. What kind of man doesn't recognize his dead best friend? "

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