Building a Pack

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I woke up to a pairs of comforting arms wrapped around me. Judging by the way the tingles were shooting up my arm , I knew it was Max. I felt Erikka purring with content. I felt happy , something I haven't felt in a very long time.

Let's go for a run. I heard max say in my head.

Sure. I said smiling

I got up and went to the door to head to the woods. Max was right behind me , he sped up to my pace and interlocked his fingers with mine. We walked down the castle corridors hand in hand. Sage walked out of her room and saw hand in hand. He eyes were tired like she hasn't gotten any sleep.

" Hello Maximous, Sophia. " She said with a wide smile.

" Good morning sister. " Maximous greeted.

" Are you alright Sage ?" I asked.

" Just a lot of paper work , hun , nothing I can't handle. " She reassured me.

" Well promise me you'll get some sleep. " Maximous said.

" The last time I checked ,I was the one saying that to you. " She said with a smile.

" My little savior is all grown up. " she smiled sadly.

I was shocked at that last statement , she was his savoir? The story of Sages uprising is a pretty known one but in every version , its her that saves him not the other way around.

" I'll see you guys later. I'm going for breakfast . Make sure you eat something we train tonight. " She ordered motherly.

We grunted and left. Once we got out of the castles perimeter we separated and phased.

Maximous giant wolf came trotting from behind a tree. His fur was so silky against the sunlight.

I let Erikka out and she panted while we walked over to Max's wolf.

Wanna race to the creek ? He asked .

Before I could respond he was off running faster the started horses. I took off right behind him , I caught but I was constant struggle. We ran past the creek into unknown territory but it didn't matter , thus feeling of being untethered was the best feeling in the world. We would've ran forever if we hadn't heard whimpered and cries. Max ran to the scene and we saw a two puppies running away with all their might .

Wait puppies ? I asked.

There are no puppies , we turn at 18 . I said .

I know . he responded.

We ran over to the pups and when they saw us they quaked with fear as they saw us approaching.

P-wease don't hurt u-us. One pleaded.

They were babies , todlers maybe.

Where are your parents ? I asked.

Mommy wouldn't wake up after the bad lady came . he cried.

When he said that something in my wolf happened. Her heart mourned for their mother and as if she were taking over. She walked over to one of them and grabbed the scuff on his neck.

What are doing ? Max asked sternly.

We can't just leave them here. We'll come back with Sage to know the damage. now grab the other one. I commanded him.

He did as he was told and grabbed the other pup by his scruff.

We ran as fast as we could without hurting the pups when we got back to the castle perimeter , we changed back into our clothes. We walked the rest of the way, carrying the pups back to the castles doors.

We walked in holding the pups and got looks of amazement , confusion and astonishment from everyone. When we finally found Sage she was sleeping in bed. So we settled for Adam. He was in Sages study , doing some light reading.

He looked up from his books and said , " Why are you holding pups ?"

" They were about 3 miles west of here. I'm guessing someone destroyed their pack judging by the way they were running. " I explained .

" Wait did you say pack ? They are werewolves ?" He said looking at them. The one in my arm snuggled closer to me as Adam approached.

" Adam slowly. " Maximous warned for me.

Adam came close and looked at the pups , I was expecting to have some miracle explanation but he reached his hand out let Maximous's puppy sniff his hand.

After a couple of sniffs the pup liked his hand. He took that as the go ahead to pick him up. His little body was trembling under Adams steady examining gaze.

" He's a toddler . He's about 4 , they both are. " He said as he scratched behind his ear. "His name is Matthew. He was the Alphas son. They both were , they are twins. " He said still petting the pup , Matthew .

" What about him ? " I asked referring to my pup .

Adam gave Matthew back to Maximous. And walked over to me.

she picked up the pup in my arms and he shook even harder .

Its alright little one . I tried to soothe .

He looked at me , you look like the bad lady who hurt mommy ,are you going to hurt me ? he asked whimpering.

" no baby I wont hurt you . " I said out loud .

Adam touched the pups head and rubbed behind his ears .

" His name is Elias . He watched a woman l=kill his mother while his father was out protecting the pack . He and his brother stayed hidden until the woman left . When she thought he was gone , she came back and when she tried to kill him he turned and bit her . she almost killed him but his brother turned as well . They turned and don't know how to turn back , they were running away from the scene when they saw you and Maximous running . " He let go of Elias and handed him back to me .

" have you showed this to Sage ? " he asked .

" No she was sleeping when we came home . We didn't want to disturb her because she seems a little restless lately ." Max said .

" Well I'm afraid she must attend to this immediately . " He walked past us and headed out of the door . We walked in the direction to Sages room when Elias started squirming in my arms .

" What is it ? " I asked him .

Who is sage ? he asked frightened.

" Sage is our Alpha , she runs this castle and she is very kind . She saved me like I saved you and your brother . She will protect you , you are safe here. " I said trying to ease his worry .

" She is like mommy ? " He asked.

" Shes like a mommy for us all . " I said to him smiling.

We walked into Sages room to find her still asleep .

Adam walked up to her bed and whispered something in her ear and he caressed her face .

She woke up with a smile on her face , but it quickly changed when she smelled the twins .

" What is that sme- " She cut herself off when she saw the boys .

She saw them and sped over to in front of Max and I . She looked at them in pure astonishment.

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