Welcome To The Family

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After Sage came back to the kitchen , the boy followed close behind watching me intently . " So Sophia , Do you have something to wear for the ceremony tonight. " Sage asked
I looked down at mg clothes and I felt the embarrassment crawling up my cheeks.
" I -I was just going to wear this. " I said looking down at my clothes. They were just some jeans and a old Ramones T-shirt .
" Non-sense , you'll wear my old dress ." she said with a smile.
I rolled my last meatball when a tall man with gray eyes and pale skin walked in. He was beautiful.
Wow . I thought .
His head snapped in my direction .
Then he looked at Sage. " And who is this ?" He said to her.
" She is the neweat member of our family. " She said proudly .
" Is she now ? " He said disappointed.
He looked at me and asked , " What is your name ?"
I looked down and Sage said, " This is Adam , he won't bite. Well not you anyways. " she said with a chuckle .
I looked at her shocked .
" He is a vampire ?" I said it more like a question.
" You seem shocked. " The boy said. " Is that a problem ? Because the door is less than 5 feet from ." He said with a smirk .
Sage sped over to him and whacked him in the head.
" You will not speak to her that way , think of her as your sister . She needs us and I will not have you making her feel unwanted . Do I make myself clear?"
She chastised him.
" Yes , its crystal ." He said glaring at me.
" Good, now Sophia . I need you to earn your place in this family . When you and Maximous train you will be equals . When you fight , you will fight each other . When you go to battle, you will fight for each other. When you get your wolves tonight , we will return hone tommorow and your training will start . Maximous has earned his right to lead my people, you will be his right hand woman. These are your places, this is your life. "
She gave me my life on a silver platter. She told me I would be Maximous' equal but he would be my leader. She was giving me a home , she was giving me a better life . I was truly grateful.
Maximous continued to look at me with a hateful stare . " We have alpha blood ,we're hybrids and we're Michaelson's. I highly she'll be able to keep up with me once she turns into her wolf. " Maximous spat arrogantly .
" She'll be a hybrid . Like myself. Like you. " Sage said looking at the pan , she was cooking the meatballs now.
Maximous snapped his head in her direction , " What ! Why ?!? "
" I've already told you why , brother . Accept her . " Sage scolded him again .
" No , you cannot make me !" He yell like a child.
" Wanna bet !" She countered , she was growling shaking the entire kitchen.
" Maybe we should all just take a breath, today is Max's special day . Let's not ruin it by fighting. " Adam tried to soothe her.
She took in a large breath and exhaled slowly ," Yes. Let's not ruin this day . I am sorry Maximous, it was inconsiderate of me not to consider the way you would feel about this. Please forgive me . You know I love you with all my heart ." she apologized . He smiled at her and said , " Fine I will accept her but don't expect me to be nice to her. "
She smiled and hugged him tightly , " my little warrior.." She kissed his face and he scrunched up his nose and tried to push her off " Off me old woman !" She tensed and said , " I'm still young damnit . Ive look the same ever since the day I turned. Don't go spouting that old nonsense. "
" 32 is old sister. " he says chuckling.
" Adam is 300, how the fuck is 30 old !?!" She yelled at him.
" Hey , I know I'm old ! " Adam said proudly.
She growled, " I dont look a day over 18 ." she said to herself .
" Yea, try 2 decades over 18. " Maximous mumbled under his breath .
Sage turned whacked him upside the head and I laughed.
Maximous looked up at me. He stared at me then looked at Sage remembering what he promised her.
"Welcome to the fucked up family , sophia ." He said with a smirk.
My heart fluttered and my panties hit a little wet .I widened my eyes in shock.
Damn traitors body .

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