It's Time

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Having four people in your bed is the worst thing I've ever had to experience. The pups didn't want to be alone and Sophia offered our bed as a place if solice . I can't sleep so I stay awake watching over these wolves who so happily took over my bed and i wonder how this ends , I wonder where we'll be.

I try to move but Matthew reached his little arms out and caught me in a death grip . In wolf form , Matthew was a white wolf like Sage but in human form he was the cutest little boy with green eyes and brown curly hair. He was the quite one. But I had a feeling that he wouldn't be like that for long , especially if sage had something to do with it. Sage had a way of bringing the strong out of people , take Sophia for example. She was found by Sage about to be killed and adandoned . But look at her now , she's stronger than me that's for sure. But she makes me strong , and I don't know what I'd do without her. Matthews green eyes were staring at me with a amazed expression.

What's up pup ?

What's your name ? He asked.

I smiled . Max.

My mommy calls me Matt.

What would you like me to call you ?

Matt. He said with a smile.

Well , Matt. Wanna ditch this taco stand ?

He nodded his head and we eased out of the bed. We opened the door and made our way down stairs.

"What do you wanna do ?" I asked .


" I like your thinking kid . "

We made our way to the kitchen and saw a pack member reading a book in the kitchen.

She stood up when she saw me .

"Alpha Maximous." She greeted me.

" Hello , this is Matthew ." When her attention was directed towards him he was behind my leg.

" He's a little shy. "

" That's okay , I have a shy pup of my own . Her name is Natalie. "

He wouldn't budge.

" How about I make you some pancakes ? "
She offered with a smile , he peeked his head out.

She squatted down to his level and said , " I can make blueberry, or strawberry, or oh I know how about chocolate chip. " He came from behind my legs and was standing in front of her. He gave her a big smile and she smiled in return.

Chocolate chips.

I chuckled and said, "he wants chocolate chip . "

She looked at me confused, " How do you know ?"

I forrowed my eyebrows ," can't you hear him ?"

She shook her head and I said , " Well maybe that's because he's an alpha. "

He looked up at me when I said , " Alpha ."

His face fell and I could see the tears brimming in his eyes.

No. No . no .

I scooped him up and held him close , he let out little sobbs into my neck and cried .

The lady went to start cooking , I didn't know what to do. I've never dealt with a child crying before. I thought about how Sage used to calm me down and started singing my lullaby in his ear ...

Take me home tonight,
take me home tonight
rub my black jet hair ,watch my brown brown eyes.
Take me home tonight,
lay me down to sleep
rub my back to soothe,
while I'm comforting you , comfort me .
Take me home tonight , Love my brown eyes. Rub my black jet hair . Take me home tonight.

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