Born Again

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Ziphora stayed silent. She had no idea what to do. She could come out and help me or she could stay in my head and wait for him to finish and see what he truly was.

He held me tight against his chest and I listened for his heart . Not a beat insight .
I looked up at him.
" Why ?" I whispered .

" When I gave Liam ,my wolf, he became a hyrbid. But my body, my body turned from the vapmirism in your blood." He explained. "

" You died . " I whispered . " You were killed by my mother . The boy I refused to love because of her, the boy that died in that house . That is my Drew . " I said feeling Ziphora getting angry .

" Drew . Is .Dead . " I said through clenthed teeth , saying to him and her .

" I'm not dead , Sage , I'm standing right here . Inches from your grasp , you don't have to loose me , I'm right here . Hold on to me , don't let me go . " He pleaded with me , he gazed into my eyes and tried to convince me . But he was not my Drew , he was something else . I just knew , there was a look in his eye that my Drew didn't have before he died .

" Go back to where ever you came from , there is nothing for you here . " I said coldly .

" As long as your here , it is where I'll be ." He said full of conviction not backing down .

" I . Am . Not .Yours . " I growled at him . " If you follow me , if you even think about revealing this to my pack , I will not hesistate . I will kill you . You are nothing to me but the being who stole my ex-mates body and I have no problem retuning it to its rightful grave . " I threatened him hoping that he would understand that I am not the same girl he left behind .

" I know the girl I fell in love with is in there somewhere . " He persisted . " Come back to me, Sage . " He put his hand on my face and I couldn't help but lean into his warm touch . For a moment I let myself give in but then I gently grabbed the sides of his face , inching my face closer towards his . Until our lips were inches apart . I looked into his eyes and whispered ,

" If you want me to come back to you , You might as well go crawl back to the grave you crawled out of and die . Because the girl your seaching for died 16 years ago , when her mate did. " His eyes widened in shock but I still held his face still closer to mine letting my lips slightly brush againt his . " And I know - I know it wasn't your fault . But you - You are not him . "

I gave him a wicked smile and said ," If you come near me again , I will take a long good look into that soul of yours and maybe take something with me . "

He opened his mouth to respond but I snapped its neck in one swift motion . Crumbling him to the forest floor .

I watched him fall and I reached out to touch his face , but Adams voice stopped me .

" How do you know its not him ?"

" My Drew wouldv'e hugged me , my Drew would've told me how beautiful I looked , my Drew would never hurt me , Vampire or not. " I explained still looking at fake Drews still body .

" What if he was just hungry ? I mean he's been dead for 16 yrs ." He tried to reason .

" Tell me Adam , have you ever had the urge to taste me ? " I asked annoyed .

" Well No. But -" He stuttered but I cut him off .

" So why on earth would a newly awoken vampire come for his used to be mate knowing, that he gave his wolf to his best friend . By that action, he knew that he would no longer be my mate , so if he were to magically come back to life, don't you think his first course of action would be to get some fresh human blood in a town full of innocents in the opposite direction of his old pack . That he would also not be allowed to return tohis pack because he is infact the very monster he hates . " I said with a knowing look towards the still body .

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