Sophias Book

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I screamed at her ,
He is not our mate. Drew died.
He is our mate, the goddess has given James back to me . She said so happy .
" What are you doing here ?" I asked in a cold tone.
"Well it is the day you allow new members, right ?" He ask smuggly .
I scoffed. "No . Leave ."
"We have to give him a fair trial , sister." Maximous said concerned.
"No . We don't. " I grumbled at him .
"Excuse my sister, she having an off day. "Maximous said.
I huffed and slumped in my chair.
" Please state your name ." Maximous. Instructed.
"My name is Liam. Liam Black ."He said.
I saw Adam tense.
What is he doing here? Adam asked.
I didn't respond.
"Why do you want to be under my sister's protection?" Maximous asked politely.
"I'm looking for my mate. " He said.
I clenched the arms of my chair .He looked to be about 25 .
"Aren't you a little old to be looking for your, mate?" Maximous questioned.
Liam didnt expect him, to ask that and Maximous said,
"We dont just accept anyone into our home. We need to know everything. " I smiled at him , I taught him well .
" I think it would be best if I talked to someone older , like your sister perhaps?" Liam suggested .
I sat up and said,"He is completely qualified ." I didn't sink back into my chair , instead I sat up tall like I usually do, fighting Ziphoras every whimper.
"Now as I was saying , Aren't you a little old to be looking for your mate ?" Maximous continued.
"Actually my mate is in this very room , I would like to live here with her ." Liam stated smugly .
"I thought you said you were looking for her?" Maximous questioned knowing he had just made his first mistake.
"I have just recently laid eyes on her."He said not daring to meet my gaze.
" Have you heard about our home here ?" Maximous asked.
"I've heard alot actually."Liam replied .
"Well then you should know that the first rule here , is we do not tolerate liars. That was your first mistake. Your second mistake was you obviously have no respect for authority and that is a must here. I am Sorry to tell you , you will not be allowed under my sister's protection, you can try again next year ." Maximous explained to Liam smugly. All the while I had the biggest smile on my face , i was so proud of my brother. He is already becoming the great leader , I saw in him all the years ago .

We exited the Judgement Hall after all the people left. And I made way towards the blood storage wing. I was walking down the castle halls when someone grabbed me . He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall.
Liams green eyes looked deep into mine.
"Why didnt you stop him ?" He asked through clenched teeth.
"Why did you lie ?" I said humored.
"I didn't lie , I'd rather not tell your baby pup of a brother how much I want to fuck his sister." He said growling at me .
"Go away old man." I said harshly."Before I remove you." I threatened.
"I will be back ." He promised.
"Do you know what the penlty for people who come back after rejection is ?" I asked him in a steady tone.
"Death. "He said. "But you wouldn't kill your mate twice now would you ?"
-------------------------- Maximous-----------------------
"That was amazing." My best friend Thomas said.
"You were like a King in there." He went on .
"Uh huh .." I said , " what's up ?"
"I thought we'd celebrate , your new status and all . "He suggested .
"Celebrate , how ? " I raised an eye brow at him .
"There's this place where all the girls from here go , they act all innocent but they just want to be dominated . Dominated by big strong wolves , soon to be King . "He persuaded in my ear .
"No thanks . " I said unconvinced .
" Oh c'mon they all think your gay anyway ." He said with a smirk .
I turned around and flashed him a big grin , " so what if I am ?" His eyes widened . " Not funny ,we use to sleep in the same bed ." I raised an eyebrow and said , " I know . " He looked at me in horror . " Not funny , Max ."

We walked through the halls of the castle and out into the back leading to the village behind . We walked through the forest and watched as the girls eye raped us.
"The blonde is fucking you with her eyes . " Thomas said with a smirk .
I looked in her direction and winked . She blushed and turned to her friends .
"Oh goddess . " Thomas said out loud.
"Go away sky . " He groaned at his sister .
" Hello Skyler" I said formally .
" Hello Maximous ." She said .
"It's nice to see your well . " I said to her .
Skyler and I have always been awkward towards each other . Her and Thomas were the kids from the family the train station , when they joined us Thomas always kept me to hisself leaving Skyler behind so we're not that close.

"You're so stiff . You should come with us to the city sometime , not just with Thomas he'll get you into trouble . " She offered with a smile.
"That's what best friends are for . " He said patting my back . I smiled at him , " Well we must be going , we have to prepare for tonight . It's a long journey back to Wills pack . I hope to see you there ." I said to her .
She blushed , like most girls do and then I turned and walked away .
" Stop doing that to my sister man ." He said .
" what ?"I said with an innocent smile .
" Don't do that thing with your face that make the ladies swoon . " he said "Well at least not to my sister . "
" well you should have nothing to worry about , they all think I'm gay remember ." I said laughing walking back into the castle .

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