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With her forehead and nose pressed up against the glass window, she gazed outside the restaurant, bored and tired with her life.

Though it was the day of her seventeenth birthday and her parents had brought her here (and they were doing her a great favour according to them), she was not a bit interested in the celebration.

The so called celebration consisted of a small dinner, in one of the expensive restuarants, between her parents and one of their father's friend; and all they talked about was business.

She lost her appetite and decided it was better to stare at the outside world, better to be lost in her thoughts which were more intriguing than their conversation.

Eyes warm like melted dark chocolate yet with the emptiness like a hollow log, crumbling from inside swept across the road.

A sigh escaped her mouth as she brushed her chestnut brown hair behind her ear. She wanted to leave, go back home. She wanted to go back home, not the house she lived in with her parents. That wasn't her home because in your home, you can feel the warmth shining upon you, not the coldness of your parents' eyes glaring at you, in your home you can breath freely and not feel suffocated by their words.

That wasn't her home. Her home, she didn't even know if that existed somewhere. She wanted to escape from that house...but where will she go? For she had no money, no place not even a single friend or any acquaintance to help her.

Yes, her parents were millionaire but she didn't have the privilege of receiving some money from them. Whatever she needed, she had to request them for that and she would be provided with it... after some time.

Being a hopeless romantic she dreamt of her prince charming, her knight in shining armor to arrive and sweep her from there, take her with him, to their home.

She shouldn't always wait for him to save her, she should save her herself but sometimes you need saving, you need someone else's support and love to save yourself. Sometimes you need someone to show you that you deserved to be loved, that you can be loved, you need someone to give you that push, that motivation before you could save yourself.

And she needed just that.

She pushed back her tears and once again focused on the world outside when her eyes narrowed at a figure across the road.

She leaned even more closer if that was possible and tried focusing on that man, she couldn't see him clearly as he stood sideways, he looked to be a little over six feet, dressed in a simple white t shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

There were two little children standing opposite him, wearing tattered clothes, a boy and a girl, who looked like twins, their hair messy, cheeks coated with dirt.

The man held a bag in his hand as he crouched down to their height, a soft smile on his face, and he pulled two food boxes from the bag and handed them to the children who initially looked hesitant but took it after the man urged them to.

Still smiling at them, he stood up and ruffled their hair as the children expressed their gratitude.

Seeing all that, her lips curled up in a smile too and her heart, for the first time in her life, it skipped a beat for that unknown man. His kindness drawned her towards him, even though she hardly saw his face.

She prayed for him to turn towards her, so that she could see his face as he waved those children goodbye while they walked away.

As if her prayers were heard, running his fingers through his hair, the man finally turned towards her direction and her heart beat wildly eager to see him fully.

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