Bonus Chapter

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• Drea •

"Drea! Come back here, right now!" Sorin's voice drifted through the house as I quickly made my way downstairs. "I swear if you go to work today, I am going to spank your ass red."

When I heard his footsteps behind me, I quickened my pace, trying to leave the house before he drags me back.

Just as I was about to open the front door, he appeared behind me, slamming his palm on the door, trapping me.

A yelp escaped me when I faced him and saw him scowling down at me. Oops.

I grinned at him innocently trying to melt away his anger but his eyes narrowed even more making my grin falter.

I nervously patted him on his chest. "I was just going to check the weather outside, I ain't going to work."

Leaning closer, he cocked his head, amusement marring his face. "Hmm? You are all dressed up to just go check the weather outside?"

I pouted angrily and folded my arms across my chest. "Come on, Sorin. I can't just sit back at home now and then, I am the head of the firm afterall. I gotta work!"

"You said you were not feeling well and you are six months pregnant, Drea. You have to rest." He argued.

I glanced down at my baby bump and unconsciously caressed it. He is right but just because I am the boss doesn't mean I can just take a leave whenever I want.

I sighed in defeat and glanced back at him and my heart skipped a beat at how beautiful he looked with his messy hair. Three years it has been and he still makes me go crazy for him.

And with me being pregnant and extremely hormonal, I sometimes feel a surge of emotions for him at random moments and I just want to kiss him and lock him with me inside the room.

I heard a small groan and I came back to reality to find his heated gaze on me. "What are you thinking about, mi amor?"

I smiled innocently. "I just love you."

His lips curled up into a smirk. "Nah, your thoughts can't be that innocent considering how red your face is."

I blushed harder at that and averted my gaze from him. Clearing my throat, I said, "Whatever but I am leaving now. I'll see you in the evening." I turned around to leave but I felt a smack on my ass.

"You are not fucking going to work, Drea." He growled.

"Sorin! Let me go, please!" I faced him, scowling.

"I swear if you were not heavy, I would have carried you upstairs--"

I gasped. "Are you calling me fat?!"

His eyes widened. "What? No! I...I didn't mean that!"

"You called me fat. You said I am heavy." I glared at him.

"Mi amor", he said softly, "you are six months pregnant, of course you are hea--"

I gasped once again, tears welling in my eyes. "See, you are calling me fat again. You don't love me anymore."

He was in full blown panic now. "You know that's not true, Drea. I love you, I love you so much. I don't care if you are fat."

He still thinks I am fat. I sniffled. "You are still calling me fat."

Now he looked on the verge of crying. "I don't mean that! How am I supposed to make you understand my point?"

I held up my palm. "Let it be. I heard what all I had to hear. You think I am fat and not beautiful anymore. Well, who's mistake is that? You got me pregnant and now--"

I was cut off when he placed his lips on mine, silencing me and no matter what, I just couldn't resist his lips as they moved over mine leisurely.

I moaned softly as he deepened the kiss, his tongue stroking mine sensually, his hand roaming my body.

By the time he pulled back, I was panting and felt slightly dizzy and completely forgot what we were talking about.

He had a smug look on his face as I tried to remember. "Now, my dear wife, are you going to come to bed with me or not?"

I didn't even get the chance to respond as he grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs to our bedroom and carefully made me lay down on the bed before he climbed over me, more like hovered over me so as to not hurt the baby.

His palm gently caressed my belly, his eyes twinkling as he pressed a lingering kiss to my belly. "I can't wait to be a father."

"Me too." I added. "I mean...I can't wait to be a mother but I am also so scared, Sorin."

He got off me and laid beside me, propping himself with the support of his elbow as he cupped my cheek. "I will always be here with you, you don't have to be scared, mi amor."

I nodded slowly and he continued, "I shouldn't be reminding you this but I don't think so you are fat or anything like that. And even if you were fat, Drea, I would have loved you the same."

My heart warmed with love for him and I said softly, "I know...I just..."

"It's okay, you are pregnant, I understand. But you are heavy, okay? You are carrying a baby inside you afterall."

I gave him a scowl before I chuckled and snuggled closer to him. "Okay, if you say so."

He dropped a kiss on my forehead. "I am glad I was forced into a marriage with you."

My fingers traced his face. "I too...but the first few months were not that good for me."

His jaw clenched. "I am fucking sorry for what all I did back then, Drea. I am sorry for hurting you so much."

"It's been three years, Sorin. It's okay plus you gave me so much love in return for everything."

"And I plan on making up for my mistakes forever."

I grinned. "I love you, husband."

He captured my lips with his, whispering back, "I love you, my wife."

Written on: 12/1/23

I was missing these two badly so I decided to write a bonus chapter for them. It's just a short chapter though, I hope you all liked it! 💕✨

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