🍂 Epilogue 🍂

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✨ Sorin's POV ✨

Months later...

"Sorin!" Drea whined, pouting sadly. "I'm tired now, can we please take a break?"

She had requested me to teach her a topic which she was not able to understand but it backfired at her. Once I start to teach someone, I need their full attention and concentration and I actually slip into a strict teacher mode which Drea was finding very exhausting.

"Drea, your finals are next month. You need to study besides we started studying just..." I glanced at the wall clock. "...forty minutes ago."

"And for the past forty minutes you are being so strict!" She complained. "I'm glad you didn't chose teaching as your career or your students would have hated you."

I scowled. "That's not true."

"It is." She argued. "Now I am taking a break." And she started to get up but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her down making her sit on the chair once again.

"No, you are not. Finish this topic first then you can take a break." I scolded her.

And she gave me such a fucking adorable pout and puppy eyes that if she didn't have to study for her finals I would take her to the bed and worship her the whole night.

"Can I bribe you with a kiss?" She grinned like a child.


Her eyes lit up and leaning closer, she grabbed my face and pressed her lips to mine and I smiled against her lips before kissing her fully.

Knowing I am going to lose control if we continue this, I pulled back.

"Okay, we are taking a break now!" She announced happily.

"No, we are not."

"What?! But--"

I shrugged. "I said maybe..."

She glared at me. "You are so evil! Ah! I hate you!"

Leaning closer I kissed the corner of her mouth. "We will find about that later." And giving her a smirk, I continued teaching her much to her disappointment.

Ten minutes later, seeing the gloomy and exhausted expression on her face as she tried to focus on the book lying infront of her while I spoke, I stopped teaching.

"Okay. Since this topic is finished, read it once and explain it to me, then you can take a break for however long you want." I told her.


I kissed her cheek. "Yes."

And smiling she started to read it while I silently gazed at her. I am proud of all the progress she had made in the past few months. She is feisty but it was hidden behind her fear and it just took her some love and care to bring out that side of her.

After much convincing, I sent her to psychological therapy knowing how much she had suffered. She needed some professional help and I don't regret that decision ever.

She stopped stuttering but she does that sometimes when I tease her but that's okay. She stopped being self conscious and gained more and more confidence.

She is good at her studies and I can already see her achieving so much success in the future.

Now my home really feels like a home cause everyday I have someone waiting for me here to come back from work. Someone with whom I can have dinner, with whom I can laugh, converse with, cuddle with, share all my problems with.

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