Chapter 3 | Emptiness

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How many times did I dream of this moment, how many times did I play it over and over again in my mind...

Me walking down the aisle and the man I love, standing at the altar, waiting for me.

Everything was same, almost everything except for my future husband who was staring at me with coldness in his eyes. It made my heart ache and tears welled up once again in my eyes. I was quick to blink them away before they cause any drama.

The wedding ceremony passed in a blur and I dreaded going back to his house, to be there all alone with him. He clearly didn't like me, not that I expect him to.

During the car ride back to his house he sat as far he could from me in the backseat gazing out of the window in complete silence.

I wanted to talk to him, a normal conversation but I didn't want to annoy him so I kept my mouth shut but I couldn't help but look at him, the side of his face as his head was turned towards the window probably to avoid looking at me.

But that didn't stop me from staring at him like a creep. After all, I was in love with him and he was a beautiful man with a beautiful heart but not for me.

"Quit staring. It's irritating." His voice was cold and hard as he spoke, just for a split second he glanced at me before he started to stare out of the window again.

"Sorry." I mumbled and promptly averted my gaze not wanting to trouble him further.

The car soon halted at a huge and gorgeous house, like the ones we dream of. Exactly like those but it didn't matter to me as it was just another house to me, not a home that I have been searching all these years. This was like a prison to me.

I was the first one to step out of the car and he stepped out next and I followed him silently as he walked to the house, his hands in his pockets and his shoulders tensed.

I was the first one to step out of the car and he stepped out next and I followed him silently as he walked to the house, his hands in his pockets and his shoulders tensed

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Earlier he had shown me to 'our' bedroom. I was surprised by that and seeing that expression on my face he was quick to explain. "My parents made sure to get all the other rooms locked so that we both sleep in the same room." He looked exasperated by that and subtly rolled his eyes, not even bothering to give me a glance.

Presently, I was in the bathroom wiping away my makeup and changing my dress into a pair of comfortable pyjamas and a t shirt.

I took a deep breath before stepping out of the bathroom. Standing shirtless and with only a pair of grey sweatpants, stood my husband in the middle of the room. Even though I have seen his shirtless pictures once or twice but looking at him in real was completely different. His taut muscles, six packs, broad shoulders, veiny forearms, all of it made my throat dry up and a blush crawled up my neck.

I was snapped out of this trance when I heard him whisper something and I was surprised that he was even saying something to me but that surprise was soon replaced with the realisation that he was not talking to me but was rather on an intense call.

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