Chapter 5 | Love & Coffee

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So, the next update will be around 12:15pm IST, after I come back from school (I don't want to go though😭😭😭🥺🥺😭😭😭)

Terrified of my own behaviour I was quick to go back downstairs before he leaves the closet. Trying to look busy, I started to wipe the kitchen countertop even though it was perfectly clean.

A minute later, he walked down and I kept my back towards him and my head low, continuing to wipe the countertop.

A sigh escaped my mouth when I heard the front door being opened and closed. Thank God he didn't say anything.

I need to get a job so that I can start saving and use that money to somehow get back to Seattle's Law School. Hence, I decided to go out today and search for a job at a cafe or something. I remember seeing a cafe down the street when I first came here, maybe I could try my luck there.

I was wearing a sleeveless, plain light purple top with thin straps and a pair of jeans and I tied my hair into a high ponytail and grabbing my phone, I set foot outside the house for the first time since I came here.

It felt good to be out after so many days, a light breeze was blowing, gently tickling my skin.

Leisurely, I walked down the road, liking the cloudy weather. And soon I reached the cafe I saw and I glanced upto its signage board.

Love & Coffee

Before I could judge the name of the cafe, I took a deep breath and pushed open the glass door stepping inside the cool interior of the cafe. Instantly, the smell of coffee and other sweet smells hit my senses giving me a warm feeling.

It looked nothing out of the world, just a simple one but elegant anyway with its white and brown interior.

Almost every table was filled with people, some who looked to be on a date or some just simply doing their work alone.

I walked up to the slightly crowded counter making sure I didn't bump into someone and spill their coffee because I don't have a single penny to repay them or something.

I waited in the line patiently and when it was my turn, I said softly to the girl who was taking the orders, "Excuse me? I'm... actually...I'm actually looking for a...part time job...and--"

I was nervous like hell and fortunately she seemed to understand my situation and gave me a small smile. "You can talk to our owner about it, I'll call him. Wait here."

I managed to give her a smile and nodded as she turned around and disappeared inside the kitchen, appearing a minute later with a man following her.

He looked to be in his mid twenties, with a beautiful pair of light green eyes and curly dark brown hair which looked quite messy. He wore black t shirt and a pair of black jeans and over it a black apron.

He was quite attractive.

That girl got busy with taking orders once again while he came up to me and gestured me to sit down at a table and he sat opposite to me.

He ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to tidy them and spoke warmly, "So, you are looking for a part time job?"

"Y-yes. I desperately need it and...and though I have experience but...I can try my best and...I am ready to do... anything..."

A waiter suddenly appeared and placed two glasses of water infront of us and that man let out a soft chuckle, sliding the glass more towards me. "Have some water first, you look very nervous."

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