Chapter 24 | Letter

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And before we could say anything else, we heard someone shout from outside the kitchen.

A familiar, feminine voice. "Where's the owner of this cafe?! Where's Atlas Raith?!"

And footsteps could be heard coming into the kitchen. Atlas and I frowned. What's going on?

Soon, Harlow stepped into the kitchen. The usual glow gone from her face, raw anger was all over her face.

Atlas's eyes widened on seeing her and so did mine. "Harlow", he said in disbelief.

Harlow folded her arms across her chest. "Oh, you remember me, Atlas." She mocked. "How wonderful."

Atlas looked unassured. "What--"

Sarcasm dripped from her tone. "It's good you remember me because it won't be a shock when I tell you this: Congratulations, you are going to be a father!"

Fucking hell!

I bit my tongue to stop the gasp that threatened to escape my mouth. What the hell? Sorin did tell me that Harlow was pregnant but never did I imagine that it would be Atlas's child!

Atlas's face paled. "What are talking about?"

"You know very well what I am talking about. Don't you remember the night of 10th May?"

If Harlow noticed my presence there, she didn't say anything.

"I-I...I should go..." I spoke to no one in particular and gathering my things, I went away from there as soon as possible.

God! What the hell is going on?

I soon reached home and before I could open the front door, it was swung open and Sorin stood on the other side with a smug look. "Missed me already?"

I playfully shoved him and stepped inside and he hugged me from behind, wrapping his arms around my stomach, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You came back too early not that I am complaining. What happened?"

"You wouldn't believe what happened."

"Try me."

"You told me that Harlow was pregnant. Guess who's the father."

"Mmm...I don't know. Some random stranger she hooked up with?"

"It was Atlas."

He sounded genuinely confused. "Who?"

My face blanked and I twisted in his hold to face him. "Atlas. My friend, the owner of the cafe."

"Oh." Then his eyes widened completely. "OH! What the fuck?"

I winced which didn't go unnoticed by him. "What?"

"You curse a lot." I complained and he gave me a sheepish smile.

"Sorry but seriously what the actual fuck? How do you know?"

"I was with Atlas when...Harlow came and she congratulated him in a sarcastic way about becoming a father."

"Angry and sarcastic Harlow is very dangerous; he's in a lot of trouble now." And he added underneath his breath. "Good for him."

Much to my surprise, I smacked his shoulder. "He's my friend."

"Whom I don't like."

I gave him a glare. "He's very sweet and caring and kind and he--"

I cut off noticing the scowl on his face. "Anything else you would like to add to his qualities?"

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