Chapter 14 | Broken

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✨Sorin's POV✨

She is messing up with my heart. Badly and quickly. I'm afraid it won't be long before this fire completely consumes me.

When my father forced me into this marriage, the hatred I felt for her was incomprehensible. But soon I realised that she was being forced into this too yet I couldn't help but find her annoying.

I love Harlow. We spent our childhood together and came into a relationship while in highschool. And then a few years later her father betrayed my father and that's when things went downhill. We had to keep our relationship a secret because my father warned me about continuing my relationship with her. I do love my father and he loves me too and I don't hate him for trying to seperate me from her because I understand how he must be feeling after being betrayed by his best friend.

And then Drea came along. She started to cook for me which angered me 'cause I was treating her so badly and she...she was cooking for me, worrying about me.

And very soon I realised the reason behind all this. She loves me. Since a long time back. Or atleast have some feelings for me. And I love messing up with her due to those feelings she has for me.

The way her cheeks turn red and she gets so flustered. I enjoy it.

When she suggested that idea about portraying herself as a bad type of girl so that I can divorce her in order to marry Harlow, I knew this woman has a fucking pure heart.

She has feelings for me yet she was ready for me to divorce her just for Harlow.

If that isn't love, I don't know what is.

Her few sentences softened my heart for her and I just couldn't bear ignoring her anymore.

And that man, the owner of the cafe she works in. He thinks he can flirt with her, a married woman and sweep her off her feet.

Can't she see that he clearly likes her? And stay away from him? But again, it's her life and she can do whatever the hell she wants but I can't help but feel angry towards him.

Then there's Adrian. The fuck he thinks he is doing completely disappearing for 19 years, then coming back and taking my wife shopping? Doesn't he has a wife?

Why can't they all leave her the fuck alone?!

I want to protect her from everything. Including me.

She is so fucking innocent that it hurts. Deep down, I have this animalistic desire to ruin her in every fucking possible way. To ruin her innocence. However, I keep that desire buried because the moment it comes up to the surface, I don't know if she will be able to walk for the next few days or not.

A touch on my hand jolted me back to reality and I realised I was sitting the middle of a restaurant with Harlow right infront of me.

All this is wrong. Completely wrong. I'm still with Harlow and I can't have such thoughts about Drea even though I am technically married to her and being with Harlow would be considered cheating not the other way. All this a fucking mess.

"Why aren't you eating, Sorin? Is something wrong?"

I cleared my throat. "No. Everything's alright." Not.

I eyed the steak on my plate. I wonder what Drea made for dinner. If I eat this then I won't be able to eat whatever she made and she will feel bad.

"I don't feel like eating actually...I'm not hungry."

"Are you okay? You said you had fever yesterday, you sure you don't have it today also?"

"Yes, I am okay." I had my wife to take care for me.

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