Chapter 2 | Dinner

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My eyes were bloodshot and puffy having cried almost the whole night. My hair a mess, my body looking weak, both mentally and physically. Overall, I looked crap not that I looked good anyway.

I leaned my back against the bathtub, submerging my body in the warm water, drawing my legs closer to my body and placing my chin on top of my knees.

I contemplated several times whether I should stay here the whole day, in silence and peace instead of leaving this small space and face the reality, face the war my heart and mind are fighting, face how much my own parents hate me that they decided to sell me in return for their company.

The former sounded like a better option because I didn't have the courage to go out. I scoffed at how ironical my name was. It meant courage, I was supposed to be courageous, not a coward. I sometimes wonder who exactly named me that.

Someone slammed their fist against the bathroom door. "Drea! Do you think you can hide in there all day, come out!" It was my mother. I got startled and shrunk back into the tub, drawing my legs even closer to my body.

Tears fought their way out of my eyes no matter how much I tried to hold them back and a sob escaped my mouth causing me cover my mouth with my palm.

"You better be out within two minutes." She again ordered.

I took a few deep breaths and tried calming myself down before I stepped out of the tub and dried myself with the towel and slipped into a pair of leggings and a t shirt.

I couldn't even dry my hair properly before I walked out of the bathroom to find my mother standing in the middle of my room, her hand crossed over her chest and her foot tapping against the floor impatiently.

She was an exact copy of me, same hair, same pair of eyes, every feature of my face except, I didn't get her attractiveness, I was plain and simple.

She fixed me with a cold glare, her eyes roaming over my face before glaring at me again. "You are looking pathetic, always crying. Sometimes I really don't feel like glancing at you. Your forever sad face ruins my mood."

Her words cut into my soul but thankfully I couldn't feel the pain settling inside me cause I was almost numb. I wasn't feeling anything.

I lowered my gaze and said nothing, waiting for her to tell me why she was here in my room.

"They all will be coming here in a few hours, I need you to dress up nicely, make yourself a little presentable and be on your best behaviour tonight. Understood?"

I slowly nodded and mumbling to herself about how ungrateful I am, she left the room, slamming the door shut.

I let out a shaky breath and my eyes landed on the dress that was placed on my bed.

I let out a shaky breath and my eyes landed on the dress that was placed on my bed

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