Chapter 19 | Emerson

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On Sorin's request I wore the dress he just bought me an hour ago.

He literally carried me in his arms inside the store and and each and every employee and customer there stared at us. Some with confusion, some with amusement, some looked at us adorably while some, they looked jealous, the women.

He was the one to pick out the dresses for me and made me try them one by one and if I looked at it for even a second longer, he bought it.

I mean, I don't need that much clothes. I can actually open my own shop with the amount of dresses I have right now.

Having done a nude makeup, I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked...okay. I bet Harlow would have looked absolutely gorgeous in this. Such a beautiful dress wasted on me.

Suddenly I remembered to Google about that word so taking my phone I typed it on Google

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Suddenly I remembered to Google about that word so taking my phone I typed it on Google. Mi amor.

Turned out it was Spanish meaning...
My love?!

He calls me 'my love'?! I...I...I am his love?

But then I remembered, in the 'Once Upon A Time' series, even Captain Hook used to call a lot many women 'love', and that didn't mean he was actually in love with them.

Hmm. That's what it is. He just calls me that randomly, it doesn't mean anything serious.

Finally I emerged from the bathroom to find Sorin entering the room wearing a fitted navy blue shirts and a pair of light blue jeans. Handsome as always.

I intertwined my fingers in front of me anxiously, his eyes roaming over my body instensely.

When he was done, his eyes collided with mine, his jaw clenched. Do I look that bad?

In long strides, he covers the distance between his and grabbing the back of my neck, lifted my face towards him, meeting my mouth with his halfway.

My heart picked up its speed, my eyes fluttering close, his mouth moving over mine slowly and passionately.

I pressed both my palms against his chest feeling his muscles and kissed him back.

Our lips moved in sync with each other and he slowly traced my lower lip with his tongue, telling me to open my mouth which I did and his tongue slipped inside and encircling my waist with his hand, he pulled me closer.

I didn't fight for dominance, letting him take control which seemed to please him, his tongue brushing the inside of my mouth.

Sensing I was running out of breath, he pulled back and started to place feathery kisses all over my jaw and down to my neck making my knees go weak.

I gripped the collar of his shirt to steady myself and his hold around my waist firmed, his lips continuing their pleasurable torture over my neck.

A breathy moan escaped my lips when he gently nipped at the base of my neck making him stop.

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