Chapter 20 | Mine

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I grew up thinking of all the reasons possible as to why my father hated me. Why he never looked at me with love. Why I was always a burden to him.

And along with this, another question arises, my mother. She's my real mother yet she hated me which means...I can't be loved. I don't deserve it.

All the pain which I had forgotten because of Sorin came rushing back to me and it became difficult to breath.

Gasping I suddenly woke up.

My eyes blinked to adjust to the dim lighting in the room and I realised, I was back in Sorin's bedroom.

"Drea?" Sorin's face came into view as he hovered over me, looking relieved, his eyes a little red.

I slowly sat up on the bed while Sorin sat beside me. "W-what happened?"

"You fainted so I brought you home." He picked up a glass of water from the nightstand and held it up to my mouth. "Have some water first." He held the glass for me and I drank from it.

He kept the glass back on the nightstand and wiped the droplet of water on my chin with his shirt's sleeves.

"My father..." I whispered.

Leaning his back against the headboard, he gently grabbed the back of my head and placed it on his shoulder. "I know. I am so sorry, Drea."

Tears prickled at the back of my eyes. "You knew him?"

He sighed. "I was a kid but yes, I knew him."

"What...what... happened to him?"

Tilting his head, he rested his cheek against the top of my head, his arm around my waist. "He died a month after you were born due to a heart attack. He was a great man, Drea. I don't remember much but I am damn sure he loved you a lot."

A few drops of tears fell on his shoulder. "Why did she never tell me about him? Why did she lied to me?"

"You will have to ask her about that. Only she knows."

"She always hated me, they both did. Everyone does."

His arm tightened around my waist. "Not everyone, Drea. Only they did. Do you think I hate you? Do you think my parents, or that cafe owner or...or Adrian hates you? They all love you. And they will always."

I snuggled closer to him and buried my face in his shoulder. "Can you...take his g-grave?"

He pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "Whenever you want."

I wanted to tell him that I love him. That I really hope he loves me in return. But the fear stopped me instead I let myself cry some more in his embrace. And he let me.

By the time my tears dried all the energy was drained from my body, I couldn't even move any limbs and my eyes started to close.

"Drea?" Sorin patted my cheeks. "Change your clothes then sleep."

"I am too tired." I whined sleepily.

"You will feel uncomfortable in these, come on, wake up."


He sighed in defeat and spoke a moment later. "Do you want me to change your clothes instead?"

That was enough to wake up my brain atleast. He wasn't teasing me, he was serious.

And surprisingly, I had no objection except I was insecure about my body but I was too tired to care about it.

"You can." I whispered, giving him the permission, lifting up my head to look at his surprised expression.

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