Chapter 21 | Home At Last

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I swear if I don't get more than ten comments on this chapter, I will stop updating.

"Did you do this on purpose?" I asked Sorin as we walked out of the college, his arm wrapped around my waist.

"No. I was offered this a few days ago but I forgot about it and only remembered it this morning when you mentioned about the special class."


He didn't let me attend any other class and brought me home instead where he cooked us lunch while I sat and watched him cook elegantly.

As we ate our lunch, I said to him, "Sorin?"


"Can we...go to my... father's grave...?" I requested gloomily.

He stopped eating and placed his fork down. "We can..."

"Can we go...after lunch?"

He sighed. "There's someone you should talk to before we go there."

"Talk to? Who?"

He pursed his lips. "Adrian."

"A-adrian? What does...he have with all this?"

He rubbed his temples. "You must have his number, right? Can you dial it for me? I want to talk to him."

He wanted to talk to him. His old friend with whom he is angry. Maybe he wants to better things between them.

I picked up my phone which was right beside me on the table and dialling Adrian's number, I handed the phone to him.

Sorin's jaw was clenched as he pressed the phone to his ear, taking a deep breath.

I could hear it ringing and a moment later it stopped. "Adrian." Sorin's tone was cold and hard.

I couldn't hear what Adrian must have said.

Sorin gritted his teeth. "All I want to say is if you don't come here within the next twenty minutes, I am going to hunt you down. You have a lot of fucking explanations to do."

Sorin looked at me and said a moment later, "Yes. She does."

"You have twenty minutes." He threatened and hung up the call.

"S-sorin? What does...Adrian...has to explain?" I was scared. Does Adrian has to do anything with my father? I don't think so.

His features softened. "It's going to be alright, Drea. Don't worry. Finish your lunch first."

Not wanting to disobey him, I finished my lunch even though I didn't feel like eating anymore.

I noticed Sorin was keeping a strict watch on the time. Did he seriously mean what he said to Adrian? I mean he can take more than twenty minutes, what if he gets stuck in traffic?

I don't know how he managed it but as soon as those twenty minutes were over, the doorbell rang.

I got up and went to open the door because I don't want them both to fight as soon as they see each other.

Sorin was quick to open the door before I could. Adrian stood on the other side, breathing heavily as if he ran a marathon.

He ignored Sorin and looked over his shoulder at me. "Drea."


He made an attempt to step inside but Sorin stood in his way.

"Come on, Sorin." There's wasn't a hint of amusement or sarcasm in his tone, he looked guilty and sad. "Let me talk to her."

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