Chapter 7 | Not Real

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Afternoon rolled in and one of the waitress told me that the family arrived. Atlas sent me out to serve them water for the time being.

My eyes were focused on not spilling the water that I didn't even bother to look at who was there.

As a placed the glasses down, I heard a familiar voice after a long time. "Drea?"

There he was, right in front of me after such long years, alive. My voice shook with emotions. "Adrian?"

Tears welled up in my eyes, we both stared at each other in disbelief.

"Drea!" He stood up and grabbed my palm. "You are here!"

He is back. After three years. He is okay, he is alright. I spent the last three years wondering where he must be and now finally he is here.

"Shouldn't I say that? You disappeared! I was so worried about you and you didn't even give me your phone number. I was worried, what if something happened to you?" I spoke, angry, sad and happy all at the same time.

"I know, I am sorry. I shouldn't have left like that but I didn't want to cause you any trouble."

"Trouble? I lost the only friend I ever had! I was so lonely."

Adrian looked guilty and lowered his head. "I am so, so sorry, Drea. I'm here now and I won't leave you ever again."

Someone cleared their throat and we both looked at the woman sitting there with a beautiful baby boy sleeping in her arms and another three-four year old girl sitting next to her. They all looking at us curiously.

"Oh, God. I forgot." Adrian rubbed the back of his neck. "Drea, meet my wife, Darcy, my daughter Isla and my son Josh."

I waved sheepishly at them and Darcy gave me a smile and Isla waved back enthusiastically.

"It's Isla's thrid birthday today, that's why we are here."

"Happy Birthday, Isla", I said softly.

And she gave me a toothy grin. "Thank you! Are you aunt Drea, the one daddy told us about?"

"Umm..." I looked confusingly between Adrian and her. Aunt Drea? And he told her about me?

"Yes, Isla. This is Drea." Adrian chuckled.

And if possible, her grin widened even more. And it was the cutest thing ever.

"Drea!" I heard Atlas calling me from inside the kitchen reminding me I was supposed to do my job and not chat with him.

"I'm sorry, I'll catch up with you later, Adrian." And with that, I dashed inside.

I did serve them their food and cake and Adrian even made sure I was present there when Isla cut her cake but still I needed a lot of time to have a proper chat with him. A lot happened in these past year, especially the past few weeks.

Later, when I was done with all my work, I decided to head back to the house when I realised that my stupid ass forgot to take Adrian's number.


I meet him after three years and couldn't even take his number. I face slammed myself at that.

I hope he comes here tomorrow.

Just as I stepped out of the cafe, I bumped into someone.

"Drea. I was just coming to see you." I looked up to find Adrian smiling down at me warmly.

"Adrian", I said in surprise. "I thought you went home a long time ago."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I did but then I came back because we have a lot to talk about."

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