Chapter 1 | Marriage

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My father was in debts.

Yes, he was a millionaire. He was.

The house was enveloped in a tense tranquillity for the past few weeks. My father and mother were both busy discussing about the debts in his study everyday.

While I, as usual was inside my room all day, hardly going out. Not wanting to be a part of all this, not that they would include me.

My father even stopped me from going to the college. And even at the age of twenty, I was still living with my parents. I did hope to finish my college and find a job and leave from here but my plans were ruined.

I wanted to leave from here as soon as possible because they clearly didn't like me. I was just a burden to them. They made sure to keep reminding me that.

I was just a pathetic, cry baby.

But I can't help but cry knowing I have no one in this world, I am all alone. Not even a single friend to comfort me.

A few years back, I had Adrian, my bodyguard who soon turned into my first friend. He was really sweet to me, he understood me, made me feel happy but...

My father started to suspect us and fired him immediately thinking we were having some sort of secret relationship.

No matter how much I begged him that it wasn't true, that he already had a wife he loved, that he was ten years older than me. My father didn't agree and till now, I didn't get to see Adrian again.

I apologised to him before he left and he assured me that it wasn't my mistake. But still...I felt guilty about it.

I sighed deeply, burying my face into the pillow, wishing to escape reality. Escape everything.

"Drea!" Someone called me from downstairs making me groan. "Come down, right now!"

What are they calling me downstairs for? Did they finally remember that they have a daughter too?

Forcing myself to stand up, I walked out of my room and down the stairs, slowly, half heartedly.

The once empty, silent living room was buzzing with excitement as servants moved past each other swiftly. The excitement prickled my skin, a weird feeling settling in my stomach.

What happened suddenly?

One of the servants told me that my parents were waiting for me at the dining table to have dinner.

Which was once again weird because I was hardly ever invited to have dinner or lunch or breakfast with them. I hardly existed for them.

Something was wrong. Swallowing my nervousness, I made my way to the dining room, my parents sitting beside each other at the table which was already laden with dishes.

I suspiciously glanced between my parents who gazed at me with niether warmth or coldness in their eyes.

"Sit. Have dinner", father said gesturing to the chair opposite to him.

Curtly nodding, I sat down, my hands resting in my lap, my fingers fiddling with each other nervously, my eyes lowered.

"You are supposed to eat..." I heard my mother speak as she passed me a plate filled with food.

"Thank you." I mumbled before I started to eat.

Silence descended upon us as we all focused our attention on eating. I really didn't feel like eating though cause my stomach churned with nervousness, wondering what is going to happen next.

Dinner finished soon and the table was cleared away while we remained sitting.

I made an effort to get up only to sit down again when my father said, "We need to talk."

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