Chapter 17 | Only You

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It was his birthday tomorrow.

And I decided to bake him a small cake even though I know he won't be so happy about it but I don't have much money to buy him a gift. And what can I gift him when he already has everything?

I didn't know which flavour cake he liked so I baked him a simple vanilla pound cake with a lemony hint in it and decorated it simply with whipped cream.

I checked the time as I put the cake in the refrigerator. He was a little late today and that's when I felt stupid when I realised that he will be celebrating his birthday with Harlow. Why will he celebrate it with me? It's his birthday eve, he must have gone out for dinner with her.

And here I thought that...he has started to like a friendly way.

He did confuse me a lot. He is with Harlow yet he is acting like that with me, saying he wants to kiss me what not.

He is lusting over me. Which I can't quite grasp why would he? Harlow is so much more sexier and beautiful. Why will he want me?

Had it not been for Harlow then I would be very flattered that he wants me can he when he has Harlow.

But in any case, all this doesn't reduce my love for him. I love him and I will keep loving him till the end of the world.

I felt sad though for making him a cake when he won't even be here.

Okay. Enough of being sad like a pathetic person!

Determined, I marched upstairs and rummaged through my bag and pulled out a bubble blower which I purchased from near my college.

Blowing bubbles always make me stress free, it makes me feel so happy and excited.

So I pulled out its stick and started blowing the bubbles, giggling as they bursted whenever I touched them or they touched my skin.

I was so lost in doing all that that I didn't even realise that Sorin was back untill I was caught by my forearm and turned around and a pair of warm lips captured mine.

My eyes widened to their full extent the moment Sorin's face came into view, his eyes closed and I realised he was kissing me. My first kiss.

He was kissing me. His lips started to move over mine leisurely, my heart thumping wildly.



Placing my hand on his chest, I gently pushed him away and took a step back still not believing what just happened.

He looked shocked as he stared at me.

"W-what...what are you doing?" I whispered in disbelief. He kissed me!

"Kissing you." He replied in a duh tone.

I took another step back. " c-can't...what...why..."

"I broke up with her."


He took a step closer and sighed deeply running his fingers through his hair. "For you, Drea. For you."

For me?! He broke up with her for me?! Why would he do that? Just because he wants me physically, he broke his relationship with his childhood friend!

Tears welled up in my eyes. What's going on? Why? When? "You are lying."

"I am not, Drea. I broke up with Harlow because it wasn't working anymore between us and..." He paused and ruminated whether to tell me or not. "And... she's pregnant, with someone else's child. We broke up, mutually."

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